الأربعاء، 23 أكتوبر 2024

مختصر الأخضري في بيان أحكام الفقه المالكي / الدكتور أحمد طه الريان - YouTube

مختصر الأخضري في بيان أحكام الفقه المالكي / الدكتور أحمد طه الريان - YouTube

(3) الشرح الصغير الشيخ أحمد طه الريان - YouTube

(3) الشرح الصغير الشيخ أحمد طه الريان - YouTube

(3) طالب العلم ( الفقيه ) المذهب المالكي - YouTube

(3) طالب العلم ( الفقيه ) المذهب المالكي - YouTube

شرح متن الأخضري د أحمد طه الريان - YouTube

شرح متن الأخضري د أحمد طه الريان - YouTube

L’idolâtrie (partie 2 de 5) - La religion de l'Islam

L’idolâtrie (partie 2 de 5) - La religion de l'Islam

حوار أخينا محمد القاضي مع الضيف سلطان حول لغة القران الكريم - YouTube

حوار أخينا محمد القاضي مع الضيف سلطان حول لغة القران الكريم - YouTube

الشرح الكبير على مختصر خليل أ.د أحمد طه الريان - YouTube

الشرح الكبير على مختصر خليل أ.د أحمد طه الريان - YouTube

Idolatría (parte 2 de 5) - La religión del Islam

Idolatría (parte 2 de 5) - La religión del Islam

شرح الكتاب رياض الصالحين / شرح الدكتور أحمد طه الريان - YouTube

شرح الكتاب رياض الصالحين / شرح الدكتور أحمد طه الريان - YouTube

Did Prophet Muhammad pbuh marry for beauty? - YouTube

Did Prophet Muhammad pbuh marry for beauty? - YouTube



If God is Merciful, then Why is there Hell? - Islamic Knowledge

If God is Merciful, then Why is there Hell? - Islamic Knowledge

Be Kind to Wife and Family | Mufti Menk. - YouTube

Be Kind to Wife and Family | Mufti Menk. - YouTube

Shamsi Vs Emotional Zionist! Zionist Claims He Wants Good For Palestinians! - YouTube

Shamsi Vs Emotional Zionist! Zionist Claims He Wants Good For Palestinians! - YouTube

عبادة الأصنام (الجزء 2 من 5) - دين الاسلام

عبادة الأصنام (الجزء 2 من 5) - دين الاسلام

8 Types Of People Will Never Enter The Hellfire - YouTube

8 Types Of People Will Never Enter The Hellfire - YouTube

Young Man Asked Sheikh Mansour As-Salami To Recite An Ayah (English Subtitles) - YouTube

Young Man Asked Sheikh Mansour As-Salami To Recite An Ayah (English Subtitles) - YouTube

Idolatry (part 2 of 5) - The Religion of Islam

Idolatry (part 2 of 5) - The Religion of Islam

Story of Elisha (Elyas)

 Story of Elisha (Elyas)


And remember Our slaves, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, (all) owners of strength (in worshipping Us) and (also) of religious understanding. Verily, We did choose them by granting them (a good thing ) the remembrance of the home (in the Hereafter and they used to make the people remember it, and also they used to invite the people to obey Allah and to do good deeds for the Hereafter). And they are in Our Sight, verily, of the chosen and the best! And remember Ishmael, Elisha, and Dhul-Kifl, all are among the best. (Ch 38:45-48 Quran).


Ibn Ishaaq said that Elisha (pbuh) was sent to the children after Elijah (pbuh). He lived among his people, calling them to Allah and abiding by the message and laws of Elijah until he passed away. Then dissension rose among them, and events took momentum. Sins increased everywhere, and the tyrants increased and killed the prophets.

According to Al-Hafiz Abu Al-Qasim Ibn Asaker, Elisha was Ibn Adi, Ibn Shultam, Ibn Aphraem, Ibn Joseph, Ibn Isaac, Ibn Abraham. It was said that he was the cousin of Elijah. Other sources said also that he had been hiding with Elijah in a cave in Mount Qasium to escape from the King of Ba'alabak, and when Elijah died, he Elisha succeeded him as a prophet among his people.


ربنا أصلح كل حياتى بسبب فهم هذه الآية والعمل بها.. ياسعده من وفقه الله لفهمها والعمل بها ❤️ - YouTube

ربنا أصلح كل حياتى بسبب فهم هذه الآية والعمل بها.. ياسعده من وفقه الله لفهمها والعمل بها ❤️ - YouTube

The Beauty of Existence - Heart Touching Nasheed - YouTube

The Beauty of Existence - Heart Touching Nasheed - YouTube

Götzendienst (Teil 1 von 5) - Die Religion des Islam

Götzendienst (Teil 1 von 5) - Die Religion des Islam

Stories of the Prophets [2] Idris & Noah (pbut) [Sh. Shady Al-Suleiman] - YouTube

Stories of the Prophets [2] Idris & Noah (pbut) [Sh. Shady Al-Suleiman] - YouTube

L’idolâtrie (partie 1 de 5) - La religion de l'Islam

L’idolâtrie (partie 1 de 5) - La religion de l'Islam

Jesus Taught His Followers to be Muslims (Evidence From The Bible)

 Jesus Taught His Followers to be Muslims (Evidence From The Bible)

Jesus (pbuh) taught his followers to be Muslims:


"And behold! I inspired the Disciples to have faith in Me [Allah] and Mine Messenger [Jesus]; they said, ''We have faith, and do thou bear witness that we bow to Allah as Muslims.(The Noble Quran, 5:111)



Noble Verse 5:111 seems to agree perfectly with Jesus' teachings in the Bible's New Testament in Luke 6:40


Jesus using the word "Muslim" in Luke 6:40:


This article was give to me by brother Tamer, may Allah Almighty always be pleased with him.



Let us look at Luke 6:40 from my N.I.V. Bible "A student is not above his teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like his teacher."




Hebrew pronunciation as follows (Taken from Aramaic Bible which the language used by the Jesus PBUH) Aramaic is the mother tongue of Jesus (PBUH)





"Ein talmeed na'leh 'al rabbo; shekken kal adam she'MUSHLAM yihyeh k'rabbo."



 (Original Text was added in the following picture)


Taken from the Aramaic bible society. Aramaic is the mother tongue of Jesus (PBUH)

Did Eesa (Jesus) AS performed Hajj ?


لا يتوفر وصف للصورة.
Did Eesa (Jesus) AS performed Hajj ?
Question: Did Eesa (Jesus) go to Mecca to perform Hajj ?
Answer: We cannot comment on this issue as there is no evidence available whether Eesa (Jesus) AS performed Hajj.
However, the following Hadith reports Prophet PBUH had a dream that Eesa (Jesus) was performing Hajj.
Abdullah Ibn Umar RA narrated: Messenger of Allah PBUH said: I found myself one night near the Ka’ba, and I saw a man with wheat complexion amongst the fair-complexioned men that you ever saw. He had a lock of hair the most beautiful of the locks that you ever saw. He had combed it. Water was trickling out of them. He was leaning on two men, or on the shoulders of two men, and he was circumscribing the Ka’ba. I asked “who is he?” It was said: He is al-Masih son of Mary. Then I saw another person, stout and having too much curly hair, and blind in his right eye as if it was a full swollen grape. I asked “Who is he?” It was said: He is al-Masih al-Dajjal.
[Sahih Bukhari 3440]
The following Hadith informs that he AS will perform the pilgrimage in future.
Hanzala al-Aslami reported: I heard Abu Huraira RA as narrating from Allah’s Apostle PBUH who said: By Him in Whose Hand is my life. Ibn Maryam (Jesus) would certainly pronounce Talbiya for Hajj or for Umra or for both (simultaneously as a Qiran) In the Valley of Rauha.
[Sahih Muslim 2403]
Peace Be upon Him.
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