مشاركة منشور Invite to God من قبل Koki Noor.
Invite to God
میں ) امام سے پہلے اپنا سر اٹھا لیتا ہے اس بات سے نہیں ڈرتا کہ کہیں اللہ پاک اس کا سر گدھے کے سر کی طرح بنا دے یا اس کی صورت کو گدھے کی سی صورت بنا دے
[ صحیح بخاری، کتاب الاذان، حدیث:691 ]
Narrated Abu Hureraؓ that Prophet ﷺ said, who among you is not afraid of taking his head up (from raku and sajda) in namaz before the imam, so that ALLAH will change his head to the head of donkey and make his face like donkey too.
[ Bukhari, Book of Prayer, Hadees:691 ]
[ صحیح بخاری، کتاب الاذان، حدیث:691 ]
Narrated Abu Hureraؓ that Prophet ﷺ said, who among you is not afraid of taking his head up (from raku and sajda) in namaz before the imam, so that ALLAH will change his head to the head of donkey and make his face like donkey too.
[ Bukhari, Book of Prayer, Hadees:691 ]
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