الجمعة، 3 مايو 2019

📝Everyday Is A Blessing: Average time it takes for salah including wudu

📝Everyday Is A Blessing: Average time it takes for salah including wudu
Average time it takes for salah including wudu; 10 minutes
10 minutes × 5 prayer times a day = 50 minutes (almost an hour)
1 day = 24 hours
24 × 60 = 1440 minutes
So how much percent of your day does the Almighty Creator Allaah ask you to give Him?
50 ÷ 1440 × 100 = 3.472 %
Think of all the blessings Allaah has given you; the fact that you are alive, being able to read this, is a blessing yet, we cannot even sacrifice less than 4% of our time to obey Him and give thanks.
It is a blessing to be able to pray, it is a blessing to be a servant to Allaah. Alhamdulillah 

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