الجمعة، 21 فبراير 2020

what is the difference between islam and christian?

  • The Holy Bible & The Glorious Quran, Where do we part ?
    By definition
    Islam is a way of life, it means peace acquired through submission to the Almighty- People who live by the principles of Islam are called Muslims
    Christian is a person who follows the teachings of Christ Jesus

    Ask yourself are you following the church or Jesus ?

    Muslims follow Jesus today more than the Christians themselves
    for example
    - Majority of Muslims wear a beard - many Christians don't & Jesus himself had a beard
    - Jesus didn't drink wine/beer/alcohol - majority Muslims don't but many Christians do
    - Jesus was circumcised on the 8th day, Muslims are circumcised & many Christians aren't
    - Jesus forbade eating of pork/ham, Muslims don't where as Christians do

    If you are a true christian then follow Jesus and remember when he said in John 16:7 / 12 -14
    follow the last & final messenger.

    P.S: Jesus said Seek the truth and the truth shall free you (John 8:32)

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