الاثنين، 12 أغسطس 2024

Thoughts to ponder


Thoughts to ponder
1. Remember that your Lord forgives those who ask Him for forgiveness, and He accepts the repentance of those whom repent, and He accepts those who come back to Him
2. Show mercy to the weak and you will be happy; give to the needy and you will be well; do not bear grudges and you will be healthy
3. Be optimistic, for Allâh is with you, and the angels are praying for your forgiveness for you, and Paradise awaits you.
4. Wipe away your tears, think well of your Lord, and chase away your worries by remembering the blessings that Allâh has bestowed upon you.
5. Do not think that this world is ever perfect for anyone. There is no one on the face of this earth who gets all that he wants or is free from all kinds of distress.
6. Be like a tall tree with high aims; if a stone is thrown at it, it simply lets its fruits drop.
7. Have you ever heard that grief brings back what has been lost, or that worry corrects mistakes? So why grieve and worry then?
8. Do not expect trials and calamities, rather expect peace, safety and good health, if Allâh wills.
9. Extinguish the flames of hatred from your heart by forgiving everyone who has ever hurt you.
10. Ghusl, Wudû’, Scent, Siwâk, and being organised are effective medicines for all kinds of distress and worry.
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