الثلاثاء، 19 مارس 2013


Saul (Paul) continued to compromise with the gentiles and mold the (true) religion of Jesus (pbuh) closer and closer to their established beliefs in order to gain their conversion. In the end, all that he requires of them is "faith" without work.

The pagan gentiles he is preaching to worship many "sons of almighty Jupiter or Zeus" and other such gods. Among them are such as Attis, Adonis, Dionysus, etc.

They believe that these pagan gods had died for their sins and been resurrected. Saul now explains to them that Jesus (pbuh) was not merely a normal human prophet but a "Son of God" and that this "Son of God" died in atonement for the sins of all mankind.

The Gentiles immediately see the parallels and the great degree of similarity with that which they already believe. All they have to do is change a few labels.

In this manner, Saul manages to convince the Greeks (and other gentiles) to accept the "religion of Jesus." This is because, unlike the Jews, the religion of the Greeks already accepts "Trinities," and "father gods" and "son gods," and the death of gods, and the resurrection of gods, and the incarnation of gods, and divine savior gods, and the eating of the flesh of gods, and the drinking of the blood of gods...etc.

All of these concepts are old news to them. He becomes a great leader among them and is named "Saint Paul."

by: Mishal Abdullah Al-Kadhi

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