الخميس، 7 يناير 2016

The Religion of Jesus

نشر ‏‎Mony Deen‎‏ ملاحظة.
The Religion of Jesus

Now this may be interesting to some people. What was the religion of Jesus Christ (pbuh). Was he a Christian?
He never claimed to be a Christian, infact he never even heard the word “Christian” in his life.

It is not a Greek/Aramaic word. The Hebrew word for “rub, massage, anoint” is “Masaha” from which we get the Hebrew word “Messiah” in Arabic as “Maseeh” Which when translated into Greek becomes “Christoss” i.e. the anointed one, and when we chop of the “oss” we are left with “Christ”. The word “Christianity” doesn’t even exist in the Bible. The word that is found in the Bible is “Christian” which was used first time by the people who did not believe in Jesus.

“and when he found him, he brought him to Antioch. So for a whole year Barnabas and Saul met with the church and taught great numbers of people. The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch.” (Acts 11:26)
The word “Christian” is nowhere to be found in gospels. So the question arises what was the religion of Jesus if not Christianity.

Suppose we get hold of Jesus Christ (pbuh) in his second coming and ask him what is his religion. Will he say 

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