الخميس، 6 يناير 2022

Is this the generation that will free Palestine ?!


Is this the generation that will free Palestine ?!
Subhan Allah !
That is what israel wanted , they wanted muslims Youth to act like that publically , no shyness , no chastity , no religion
They want our youth to think that defending muslims in Iraq , Syria ,Burma , Chechenia ... is terrorism
They want us to think that the mujahidin who are fighting for the freedom of Syria are extremists because they have long beards ..
They want us to think that religion mean backwardness
They want us to believe media blindly
They want us to think that Islam is only inside the masjid , but when outside , we should act like non muslims
They want us to think that sharia law is cutting hands and stoning adulterers
Unfortunately , Our media and muslims governments (Allies of USA and israel) succeeded to make muslims youth believe all those fallacies ...
But alhamdulillah , the muslims Ummah is waking up now , muslims started kicking their oppressive rulers one by one and Islam will come back to Islamic countries again and we will know what does sharia law mean soon enough in shaa Allah
We will make an end to all those famous fallacies about Islam ..

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