السبت، 22 يناير 2022

Will Allah accept me ?!


Will Allah accept me ?! 😢
Yes He will
How about all of my bad deeds ?! 😢
Don't worry He will forgive you ❤
But my mistakes are so many and I have huge sins 😢
Allah 's mercy is huger and greater than you could imagine...He is All merciful ❤
Are you sure He will accept me ?😢
Sure He will ❤
What if I m lost in this world ?😢
He will guide you and put you back on His right path ❤
But I m so weak and helpless 😢
With Allah you are strong ❤
Will He accept me ?😢
Yes He will ❤
My heart is empty and so dark 😢
He will fill it with love and peace will lighten it up ❤
But the devil is a clever deceiver How can I escape him ?😢
Don't worry devil is weak and Allah will protect you
How about all my sorrows and pain ?! 😢
Allah will make it vanish and replace it with joy
and peace ❤
Will Allah accept me ?😢
Yes He will ❤
Just remember to turn to Him ,always repent and seek forgiveness ❤️
قد تكون صورة بنمط رسوم متحركة ‏شخص أو أكثر‏
أنت و٣٩١ شخصًا آخر
١٣٨ مشاركة

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