الأحد، 13 مارس 2022

United States: Atheist shooters or serial killers


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United States: Atheist shooters or serial killers
Devin Patrick Kelley, perpetrator of the Sutherland Springs, Texas shooting at First Baptist Church, murdered 26 people (November 2017)
→ “You, your joys and your sorrows, your memories and ambitions, your sense of personal identity and free will, are in fact no more than the behavior of a vast assembly of nerve cells and their associated molecules.”
—Dr. Francis Crick, molecular biologist, biophysicist, and neuroscientist
→ “How can we be “free” as conscious agents if everything that we consciously intend is caused by events in our brain that we do not intend, and of which we are entirely unaware? We can’t…Free will is an illusion. Our wills are simply not of our own making. We do not have the freedom we think we have.”
—Dr. Sam Harris, neuroscientist
Quotes from Free Will by Sam Harris (Militant Athiest)
“We do not have the freedom we think we have… Either our wills are determined by prior causes and we are not responsible for them. Or they are the product of chance and we are not responsible for them.”
“We know that determinism in every sense relevant to human behavior is true. Unconscious neural events determine our thoughts and actions, and are themselves determined by prior causes of which we are subjectively unaware.”
“Not only are we not as free as we think we are, we do not feel as free as we think we do… Thoughts and intentions simply arise in our mind. What else could they do?”
قد تكون صورة لـ ‏‏‏شخص واحد‏، ‏لحية‏‏ و‏نص مفاده '‏‎ATHEIST MASS SHOOTER DEVIN PATRICK KELLEY Perpetrator of the Sutherland Springs, Texas Ûh”n at First Baptist Church, murdered 26 people (November 2017) www.AboutAtheism.Net‎‏'‏‏
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