الجمعة، 16 أغسطس 2024



Farakh Shaheen 6 س 
🌹 بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم 🌹
🔲🌹 "Bismillah ir Rahmaan ir Raheem."
(In the name of Allah the most Compassionate most Merciful"
🔲🟥 (Submission to ONE Almighty God Allah alone)" (Noble Qur'an 3:19, Bible & Torah).
🔲🟥 1) Torah..........Moses (peace be upon him): "Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one." (Deuteronomy 6:4).
🔲🟥 Genesis 1:1 ( Allah-Alone Creator).
🔲🟥 Gideon Translated (Arabic) Bible: The most authentic Christian publications authority (Gideon) which has translated various bibles into more than 18 different languages worldwide: 🌎 First Bible First Chapter First Verse (Gideon)
🔲 في البدء خلق ﷲ السموات والارض1
🟥🔲 In the beginning ﷲ created the heaven and the earth. The Noble Qur'an: It is ﷲ (Allah) Who has created the heavens and the earth (Chapter 32:4)
🟥🔲 2) Bible......Jesus (peace be upon him): "The most important one," answered Jesus, "is this: 'Hear , O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one." (Bible Mark 12:29).
🟥🔲 Put unbiasedness on side for 1 click, & 2 seconds, Just click ... 👇🏻
John 8:42 from Christians own Arabic bible.
🔲 فقال لهم يسوع لو كان ﷲ
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🟥🔲 John 8 Arabic: Smith & Van Dyke
John 8:42:
🔲 فقال لهم يسوع لو كان ﷲ اباكم لكنتم تحبونني لاني خرجت من قبل الله وأتيت. لاني لم آت من نفسي بل ذاك ارسلني.
🟥🔲 Bible John 8:42: Jesus (peace be upon him) said unto them: "If ﷲ ALLAH were your God, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from ﷲ neither came I of myself, but he (ﷲ) sent me." (KJV).
🟥🔲 Bible James 1:13-14 ESV.
Arabic Bible: Easy-to-Read Version (ERV-AR):
🔲 13 وَإذا تَعَرَّضَ أحَدٌ لِلتَّجرِبَةِ، لا يَنبَغي أنْ يَقُولَ: «هَذِهِ تَجرِبَةٌ مِنَ ﷲ.» لِأنَّ ﷲ لا تُغرِيهِ الشُّرُورُ، وَهُوَ لا يُغرِي بِها أحَداً. 14 لَكِنَّ الإنسانَ يُجَرَّبُ بِسَبَبِ شَهوَتِهِ الَّتِي تَجذِبُهُ وَتُغرِيهِ.
🔲🟥 by Christian own World Bible Translation Center
🔲🟥 Bible James 1:13-14 ESV:
🔲🟥 "Let no one say when he is tempted: “I am being tempted by ﷲ (God),” for ﷲ (God) cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempts no one. But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own (satanic temptation) desire."
🔲🟥 3) Noble Qur'an....Muhammad (peace be upon him): Say: “He is Allah, the One" (Noble Qur'an 112:1).
🔲🟥 Noble Quran 3:19: " The only religion approved by God is Islam (Submission to ONE Almighty God Allah alone).
🔲🟥 On first impression, many who read the above statement will immediately say: hold on, what about Judaism and Christianity? After all, these religions were also authorised by God!
🔲🟥 However, if we discard all labels (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) and inspect the ideology of any of these divine revelations we would note the following relevant issues ... 👇🏻
🔲🟥 1- Contrary to what many believe, the word Islam is never used in the Noble Qur'an as a title for the religion belonging only in the Noble Qur'an nor a religion that is exclusive to the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)! The word Islam simply means Submission to will of God. It is necessary thus to stop thinking of Islam as the religion exclusive to the Noble Qur'an, and in stead recognise Islam as a spiritual state of submitting to God alone.
🔲🟥 2- All the Prophets and Messenger’s of God submitted to Almighty God Allah The only Creator (One God) and called their people to submit to the One and only God. The only true religion as far as God is concerned (after discarding the labels) is Submission to ONE God Almighty God Allah alone (Islam).
🔲🟥 "He has legislated for you of the religion what He has instructed for Noah and what We inspired to you and what we instructed for Abraham, Moses, and Jesus: "You shall establish the religion and be not divided therein." (Noble Qur'an 42:13).
"🔲🟥 Abraham was neither a Jew, nor a Christian; but he was a monotheist submitter. He was not one of the Mushrikeen (those who set up partners with God)." (Noble Qur'an 3:67).
🔲🟥 The above Noble Quranic 👆 ayah verse (42:13) confirms that the religion that was revealed to final Prophet and Messenger of God, Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) in the Noble Qur'an is not different from what was revealed to the previous Prophet's and Messenger's of Almighty God Allah.
🔲🟥 Within the religion of Islam God decreed specific rituals and practices designed to teach man to worship his Lord. These acts Salaat/Salaah/As-Salaat/Namaaz prayers, zakat (giving alms tax) etc.) were first taught to Prophet Abraham Ibraheem (peace be upon him):
🔲🟥 "We" (Almighty God Allaah) made them (Prophet Abraham 'Ibraheem' and his sons (peace be upon them all) leaders who guide by Our command and We inspired them to work good deeds, to observe the Salat and to give the Zakat (Alms tax)." (Noble Qur'an 21:73).
🔲🟥 Abraham Abrahim, Musa Moses, Iesa Jesus and Muhammad (Peace be upon all) basic method of worship (Salaah/As-Salaat/Salaat/Namaaz) prayers was exactly same:
🔲🟥 Ruku in Torah & Bible: (bending head down towards knee) O come, let us worship and bow down, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker.' Psalms 95:5
Sajdah: (prostrate) in Bible and Torah 📚
Jesus - Matt. 26:39 📚
Elijah - I Kings 18:42 📚
Moses and Aaron - Numbers 20:6
Abraham Genesis - 17:3. 📚
🔲🟥 Noble Qur'an, 3:85: And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will not be accepted from him and he will be one of the losers in the Hereafter. (Noble Qur'an 3:91). Those who have disbelieved and died in disbelief, the earth full of gold would not be accepted from any of them if it were offered as a ransom. They will have a painful punishment, and they will have no helpers.
Written by a Anonymous writer .. ✍️
⚫️🔲🔴 If you like to become a official Muslim or would like to just generally know about the beautiful concept of Islam, then please do leave me a message in my messenger inbox, I shall happily guide, teach, support and help you.
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