الأحد، 27 أبريل 2014

Who Invented Shirk ?

 ‏‎Exposing Shia's Beliefs‎‏ من قبل ‏‏‎My Lord, guide me.‎‏‏.
منشور بواسطة ‏‎Koki Noor‎‏ · 23 أبريل
Who Invented Shirk ?

The people of Prophet Nuh (عليه السلام) were the originators of Shirk in the form of idol-worshipping. We see that the Shia have fallen into all the same traps as these people did. The Shia have erected shrines for their Imams and saints. They put up pictures of them and they invoke their names in prayer. Some even do Tasbeeh to their names. They ask their dead Imams and saints for special favors and believe in Waseelah through their Imams and saints.

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