الخميس، 31 مارس 2016

Why Wear the Hijab?

A question regarding a husband his wife and the Hijab
Why Wear the Hijab?
A few common reasons why Muslim women wear the Hijab? Why do these women conceal their bodies and hair? Isn’t showing off our beauty and attracting others towards ourselves the norm? Has anyone ever seen their hair? What about on hot days, don’t these girls pass out when the sweltering heat accumulates all around their heads? Has anyone ever seen their hair? Oh no, how do they shower with that thing on?!
A few common reasons why Muslim women wear the HijabSo you’re a non-Muslim and have no idea why the oddball hippie and/or possibly emo girls have started dressing like nuns. All right, we’ll give you some credit. We know you don’t live under a rock, so the minute you see a woman wandering in the shopping mall with a scarf covering her hair, you think: Muslim! (Or if you’re easily persuaded by the media, you’re probably thinking more along the lines of the T word which has more or less become our nickname since 9/11, although we assure you we have no more idea than you do about where bin Laden is currently hiding.)
Still feeling a bit weird, nervous, and of course awkward for even being in the same mall, let alone walking close to or talking to this covered lady, you discreetly observe her from a distance and watch her every move – you know, just to make sure she’s pulling out your favorite brand of tissues out of her purse.
She comes your way and you try eavesdropping on anything and everything that comes out of her mouth. Surprisingly, the scarfed woman seems relatively sane and politely spoken. Hey, she isn’t so bad after all!
Okay, so now we have established who Muslim women are: school-goers, stay-at-home mums, your child’s kindergarten teacher, your neighbor’s babysitter – basically, ordinary women! Yet the questions remain unanswered: why do these women conceal their bodies and hair? Isn’t showing off our beauty and attracting others towards ourselves the norm? What about on hot days, don’t these girls pass out when the sweltering heat accumulates all around their heads? Has anyone ever seen their hair? Oh no, how do they shower with that thing on?!
Literal Meaning of Hijab
The word Hijab literally means a curtain or veil and is best understood by exploring the Islamic concept of modesty. Muslim men and women are required to be modest while mingling with unrelated members of the opposite gender. The content of our speech, the way we communicate, the way we laugh and joke around, our behavior and social etiquette in general should all be transmitted to the other party in a way that attracts the least amount of the wrong form of attention. Additionally, we are required to “lower our gazes” and respect other men or women by not eying them from head to toe (i.e. checking them out). Similarly, the physical Hijab establishes healthy distances of physical contact (not even a handshake with the opposite gender!). Lastly, this modesty must also be manifested in the way we dress.
In order to appear modest, Muslim women are required by their faith to observe the most visible form of the Hijab in public – the headscarf to cover our hair and full-length clothing to conceal the shape of our bodies. Non-Muslims often ponder how it is possible and why a woman would ever voluntarily want to conceal what every other woman takes pride in revealing – her beauty. From a very long list, presented below are the most common reasons why Muslim women observe the Hijab.
To Please Our Creator
Muslims recognize God Almighty as the grand creator and supreme authority over the universe, and hence the religion He has sent – Islam – is a complete way of life for us. Accordingly, Divine law is followed at all times, and submitting to God’s commandments is in itself a form of worship. After telling Muslim men to lower their gazes, the Holy Qur’an reminds women: “And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty: that they should not display their beauty and ornaments, except what (ordinarily) appear thereof.” (24:31) In line with this Qur’anic verse, we do not display our beauty simply because it is the command of our Lord!
Taking a Stand against Female Exploitation
Since the beginning of time, women have always been exploited. Known for our gentleness, delicateness, and beauty, women are often used as mere objects to attract men or sell products and services. Unfortunately, today a woman’s physical beauty is likened to a man’s trophy, to be shown off to the whole world. In an interview with former rapper “Napoleon” from Tupac Shakur’s band, the OutLawz, revert Mutah Beale said, “The music industry is where they really exploit and degrade women. We’d pay them a hundred bucks to strip for our music videos, and they’d do it!” Sadly, women have become well accustomed to this routine and also take pride in displaying their beauty. But what Muslim women realize is that our beauty is sacred and certainly not for any random man to gawk at for pleasure.
A Source of Protection
If there is any good in impressing random men with our beauty (intentionally or unintentionally), then surely we would all know about it. Despite all the technological advancements in 2010, our moral values continue to plummet. One in six girls in the United States is sexually assaulted by the time she is 18. According to the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, in 2007, over 12 thousand women were sexually harassed. This means at least one woman is sexually harassed in the workplace every 20 minutes. (It is noteworthy that the majority of incidents are not officially reported, and these statistics are probably grossly understated.) Of course, it is the men who are to be blamed for harassing women, yet the woman who fails to realize that dressing in a way which is so strikingly appealing (particularly when working in a male-dominated environment) is only asking for trouble is part of the problem as well. Regardless of where the blame lies, there is only one way by which a woman can guard herself against such evils, and that is why Hijabi women conceal their beauty in public as much as possible.
Preserving Our Beauty
Regardless of age or marital status, every female loves attention and being cared for. For most women, satisfying that need comes from compliments of others in private and public. Muslim women who conceal their physical points of attraction in public only seek that attention from their loved ones in private. The logic behind this practice is almost convincing enough to experiment.
Basically by covering up, we demand self-respect from the public, as we do not allow ourselves to be judged based on our beauty (or the lack thereof). On the other hand, our families provide us with the respect and honor we deserve as they realize that we are not letting strange men take a bite of our beauty by way of exposing ourselves, but rather, we are limiting the right to enjoy our beauty to our husbands. In addition, a Muslim woman’s Hijab allows the husband the honor of having a wife who finds him worthy enough to preserve herself only for him. In return, he provides her with all that extra attention that every woman desires. This also satisfies the man’s natural instinct of admiring a woman’s beauty, and thus he has greater motivation to avoid “checking out” random women and to lower his gaze, as his wife doesn’t allow herself to be ogled at and admired by other men either. Often labeled as “jealousy” by so-called Western “relationship experts”, this kind of respect and preserving oneself solely for one’s partner is actually the key to lifelong marital happiness and success.
To Be Judged for Our Worth, Not Our Appearance
Often labeled as oppressive, many fail to realize that the Hijab truly empowers every female with the ability to control how she is treated and respected in society, her safety, and who deserves to see her beauty, all while making a statement against female exploitation. A woman who observes the Hijab is freeing herself of society’s immoral and disrespectful expectations of her. A female who conceals her beauty has granted herself the power to say to the world “You know what? Everything about me besides my beauty should matter to you.” If wearing miniskirts, low-cut tops, head- turning heels, and layers of makeup in public is the expectation without which a woman in incapable of stepping outside her house, then we have two very different definitions of liberty and self-respect.
All human beings demand respect, and why should we women be treated as mere objects valued or devalued for our beauty or the lack thereof? Why should we let all random and strange men (whether we are friends with them or not) be the judges of our attractiveness? Shouldn’t we preserve ourselves for only those who deserve us?
And that is why Muslim women observe the Hijab.

God’s Preservation of the Sunnah (All parts) - The Religion of Islam

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Todos estão perdidos a não ser aqueles a quem Eu guiar (parte 1 de 2): o que é um hadith Qudsi? - A religião do Islã

A non Muslim mother's wish:

A non Muslim mother's wish:
A little child entered a Masjid in Paris. He went to the Imam and told him: ”Sir, my mom sent me here so that I can study in your school.” The Imam asked the boy "But where is your mother?” Boy replied, “She is standing in front of the Masjid door” Imam replied ”She is a non Muslim”
The Imam went to her asking her why she, as a non Muslim woman, wants her little child to study in an Islamic school.
She simply said: "My neighbour is a Muslim woman. Every time she takes her children to the school, they kiss her hands before going. They treat her like a queen. Her family is always happy. Please, teach my child in your school so that he treats me as Muslim children treat their parents."

Save A LIFE | Cardiac Arrest the Causes & Treatment - MUST SEE!

Digital Mimbar added a new video: Save A LIFE | Cardiac Arrest the Causes & Treatment - MUST SEE!
Save A LIFE | Cardiac Arrest the Causes & Treatment - MUST SEE!
Every life is important,
Allah says in the Qur'an
“… and if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of all mankind …” (al-Maa’idah 5:32)
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Golden Supplications for Children (eBook)

Darussalam Publishers & Distributors

Golden Supplications for Children (eBook)
Amazon Kindle: http://buff.ly/22NYZxT
eBook Library: http://buff.ly/22NYZxY
What are supplications? Basically they are invocations through which a person can ask his Supreme Lord both in prosperity and adversity. Allah (SWT) commanded His slaves to invoke Him and he will respond to their invocations. If we analyze the daily life of our beloved Prophet (PBUH) we find that he also invoked his Lord. He invoked Him for the successes of this world and of the Hereafter, he took refuge in his Lord from the hardships and he praised and thanked his Lord. Moreover, he commanded and exhorted his Companions to invoke sincerely their Lord and keep good relation with Him through supplicating Him.
In this book, the author tried to compile only relevant and authentic supplications that are too common and easy to remember in our daily life. One can experience the efficacy of such supplications in his life and achieve the remarkable rewards if he or she recites them regularly.

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La femme, cette perle précieuse - Français - Plusieurs auteurs

من سورة مريم (عبدالرحمن العوسي)


Mony Deen

Jesus had call The "ALL POWERFUL GOD" God "ALLAH", when he was on the cross ....!
“ALLAH, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.”(Bible,Luke 23:34,)
“Truly I say to you (Allah), today you shall be with Me in Paradise.”
(Bible,Luke 23:43)
He said (JESUS): “I am returning to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.” (Bible,John 20:17).
Name of "ALL POWERFUL GOD" was "ALLAH" in ARAMAIC BIBLE ... Please Check the above verses (Aramaic Bible,).
"GOD" in Arabic and Aramaic sound the same, and it is "Allah".
Alef - Lamed - He [Alah]
Arama'a [the language of Jesus]
Who Is Allah?
Allah, Lord Of The Universe !
Allah - No Trinity
Allah - No Father
Allah - No Son
Allah - No Holy Spirit and Allah - No like any creation.
Allah = Means "The Only One to be Worshiped"

Allah asking Jesus(peace be upon him) in judgement day.

"Converts to Islam"
Allah asking Jesus(peace be upon him) in judgement day.
"O Jesus, Son of Mary, did you say to the people, 'Take me and my mother as deities besides Allah ?'" He will say, "Exalted are You! It was not for me to say that to which I have no right. If I had said it, You would have known it. You know what is within myself, and I do not know what is within Yourself. Indeed, it is You who is Knower of the unseen(116th verse of chapter 5 (sūrat l-māidah).

قراّن ربي

ماتيسر من سورة إبراهيم بصوت القارئ الشيخ / عبد الرحمن بن جمال العوسي

الأربعاء، 30 مارس 2016

Knowing Allah knowingallah.com - English

Scientists Prove Miracles of Quran in Islam

Jesus had call The "ALL POWERFUL GOD" God "ALLAH", when he was on the cross ....!

Mony Deen
Jesus had call The "ALL POWERFUL GOD" God "ALLAH", when he was on the cross ....!
“ALLAH, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.”(Bible,Luke 23:34,)
“Truly I say to you (Allah), today you shall be with Me in Paradise.”
(Bible,Luke 23:43)
He said (JESUS): “I am returning to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.” (Bible,John 20:17).
Name of "ALL POWERFUL GOD" was "ALLAH" in ARAMAIC BIBLE ... Please Check the above verses (Aramaic Bible,).
"GOD" in Arabic and Aramaic sound the same, and it is "Allah".
Alef - Lamed - He [Alah]
Arama'a [the language of Jesus]
Who Is Allah?
Allah, Lord Of The Universe !
Allah - No Trinity
Allah - No Father
Allah - No Son
Allah - No Holy Spirit and Allah - No like any creation.
Allah = Means "The Only One to be Worshiped"

Valentines Day in Islam - The Religion of Islam

ماتيسر من سورة إبراهيم بصوت القارئ الشيخ / عبد الرحمن بن جمال العوسي

تلاوة عذبة تريح القلوب بصوت هادئ

Never miss Salah!

Mohsin Hasan Mumtaz

Never miss Salah!
(Photo from Afghanistan)

Do you have any reason to leave the Prayer (salah)?

‏‏‎Louie Onofre Elias‎‏ في ‏‏‏‏‎Al Shumaisi Deportation Complex‎‏‏‏.

Do you have any reason to leave the Prayer (salah)? No one will give you the best answer for this except yourself.

Ma sha Allaah

Mohsin Hasan Mumtaz

Ma sha Allaah

april day

The everlasting mercy of Allah

The everlasting mercy of Allah
The Qur'an: A Manifestation of Allah's name in the Glorious Quran
Here the link to download the full book in Pdf format
Enjoy and do not forget to share
Narrated / Authority of: Abu Said Al-Khudri
Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said:
Verily, Allah will address the inhabitants of Paradise: 0'inhabitants of Paradise!
They will say: We do respond and are at Your pleasure; and goodness rests in Your Hand.
He will ask them: Are you satisfied?
They will say: Why should we not be satisfied, 0 Lord! while You have given us what You have not given to anyone of Your creation?
Then He will say: Would you not like Me to grant you something better than that?
They will say: 0 Lord! What is better than that?
He will say: I will never be angry with you afterwards.
(This Hadfth is sound and reported by Bukhari and Muslim).

الثلاثاء، 29 مارس 2016

Islam Guide: The Video Clips of the Scientists’ Comments on the Quran

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Converse On Line com Nossos Operadores
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There was dumb, then dumber, and then dumbest

the biggest sights that y love allah

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