السبت، 1 ديسمبر 2018

When your life just revolves around money.

‏‎The Deen Show‎‏ مع ‏‎አምርያ ሰልማን‎‏ و‏‏٣٩‏ آخرين‏.
When your life just revolves around money. You wake up thinking about money, you daydream about money, and you go to sleep thinking about money with no other goal in life then that’s a problem.
When a person thinks that money and material possessions is what will bring them ultimate happiness and that becomes a persons whole goal in life, acquiring more and more money without any other purpose, then that person is worshiping money.
There is nothing wrong with having nice things in life but we don’t make these Material things the ultimate goal we use them as one of the many means but it should never over take us and become the ultimate goal.
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