السبت، 21 أغسطس 2021

Dear Christians.. Ask yourself, "Who and What would Jesus support?"


قد تكون صورة لـ ‏‏‏٣‏ أشخاص‏ و‏نص مفاده '‏‎WAKE UP CHRISTIANS!!! ..IF JESUS CAME TO ISRAEL TODAY‎‏'‏‏
Dear Christians..
Ask yourself, "Who and What would Jesus support?"
There are hundreds of Jewish website, promoting the cause of the Christians United For Israel (CUFI) activist group. These are unbiblical or ungodly website. They advertise, “Make A Difference For Israel Every Day.” It makes me want to vomit...its about time that Christians realize that they are being manipulated by the Zionists Agenda...its a pity that people no longer question,they just blindly follow like sheep!
I wish some God Fearing Christian feels compelled to start a group or page possibly called“Christians United Against Israel,” or "WakeUpchristians" etc because Israel today is nothing but a shameful nation that has abandoned the God of the Bible...it's a fact that Christian tourists are being spat upon by Jews in Israel today. I dare you to find the Gospel anywhere on the CUFI website!!!
All they care about is inspiring people to idolize Israel and the "almighty Jews". Is your church stupid??..well guess what??It is if you support Zionist Israel. You are IGNORANT of the Scriptures my friend if you think God blesses Christians who support a wicked, Christ-rejecting people. The idolizing and worshipping of Jerusalem, Israel and the Jews is evil in the sight of God. John Hagee(founder and senior pastor of Cornerstone Church, a megachurch in the US and CEO of his non-profit corporation, Global Evangelism Television),is so corrupt that he says Jews don't even need to be born-again, they have a different agreement with God. How insane can all this Zionism B/S get? Pretty insane if you believe this blasphemous Zionist supporter!I'm pretty sure that at sometime or the other you have come across pro-Zionist advertisements which says that Jesus walked in the Holy Land so You could live. What arrogance!—as if the Jews had something to do with Christ's work of redemption! The land has nothing to do with your "salvation"! Ypu believe that Jesus died, was buried and rose up three days later for your justification. I suppose these Zionists Jews will claim it was their cross too, and the nails belonged to them. Ladies and gentleman, the only thing that these ppl can claim is that they cried out... “CRUCIFY HIM!!! CRUCIFY HIM!!! GIVE US BARABBAS!!!”
I'm No Christian however as a Muslim I LOVE & ACKNOWLEDGE Jesus (PBUH) known as "Isa" in Arabic was a Prophet of God, was born to a virgin (Mary), and will return to Earth before the Day of Judgment to restore justice and to defeat al-Masih ad-Dajjal ("the false messiah"), also known as the Antichrist. All of which may sound pretty familiar to many Christians.Mary ,called "Maryam" in Arabic has an entire chapter in the Quran named after her — the only chapter in the Quran named for a female figure. In fact, Mary is the only woman to be mentioned by name in the entire Qur'an.
With that said I can't help but question Christians who stand with Zionist ISRAEL while endorsing mass murder all in the name of religion..!!!!!

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