الجمعة، 31 ديسمبر 2021

A New Year; A New Perspective


المفضلة ‏٣‏ س 
A New Year; A New Perspective
Abu Huraira رضي الله عنه, when he met young boys would say,
"My nephew! You may meet Jesus, the Son of Maryam ﷺ. If you do, please pass my salam to him."
يا ابن أخي! إنك عسى أن تلقى عيسى ابن مريم عليهما السلام. فاقرأه مني السلام.
Al-Bayan wa Al-Tahsil vol. 18 pg. 255
Early Muslims shared vital information about the end of times with the young. It was a means of instilling responsibility in them, hope, and preparing them for a life of faith and focus.
Abd Rahman al-Muharabi (d. 195 ah.), commenting on the famous hadith of Abu Umama رضي الله عنه that details the Dajjal,
ينبغ أن يُدفع هذا الحديث إلى المؤدب حتى يعلّم الصبيانَ في الكُتاب
Educators should be compelled to teach this hadith to children in Quranic schools. Ibn Majah, under hadith 4077
Imam Muslim narrates that Ibn Abbas رضي الله عنهما said, the prophet ﷺ taught us a supplication as he taught us the Quran: "Allah! I seek Your protection from the punishment of Hell; I seek your protection from the torment of the grave; I seek Your protection from the trials of Dajjāl, and I seek Your protection from the trials of life and death."
Imam Muslim noted that Tāwus رحمه الله, the narrator from Ibn Abbas رضي الله عنهما, said to his son, "Did you observe that supplication in prayer?" He responded that he didn't. So Tāwus said, "Repeat your prayer."
Tawus, like Ibn Hazim in the al-Mahla vol. 3 pg. 271, considered this supplication a pillar of prayer because of the way the Prophet ﷺ taught it and because of its subject matter: the Hereafter. While that contradicts the primary schools of Islamic law, it is a window into the importance of the Hereafter.
Source of the quote of Abu Huraira: Al-Tasrīh Bimā Tawatara Fī Nuzūl al-Masih by al-Allama al-Kashmiri pg. 6
As we think about the New Year, we should look longer, deeper, to the Hereafter because the focus and perspective it gives to editing our lives are unmatched.
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