الخميس، 30 نوفمبر 2023
Ibisabisho vy'itazira n'ininahazamana bivugwa mu gitondo no ku mugoroba - rn
Quran Circle2 Ramadan 10th 1437 - YouTube
Ny Tonom-bavaka (Azkari) izay vakina maraina sy hariva - Malagasy
All In One Rhythm ! - YouTube
Quran Circle2 Ramadan 9th 1437 - YouTube
ماذا تفعل اذا تهيأت لك المعصية في الخلوات😔💔 / منصور السالمي ونايف الصحفي - YouTube
Riproduci in streaming سورة النازعات عثمان مشعل الحداد di Ahmad_Alnufais | Ascolta online gratis su SoundCloud
Does Islam Clash With British Values? - YouTube
Jesus Christ is not God Almighty ! Proofs from Bible ! | Answering Christianity
Quran Circle2 Ramadan 8th 1437 - YouTube
" صلاة الله والملائكة " ح ( 1 ) د. عائض القرني - YouTube
ଇସଲାମର ଧର୍ମପ୍ରଚାରକ /ନବି / ରସୁଲ ମୁହମ୍ମଦ ସଲ୍ଲଲ୍ଲାହୁ ଅଲୈହି ୱ ସଲ୍ଲମ୍ । - Oriya
God in the Bible and the Holy Qur’an | Answering Christianity
Quran Circle2 Ramadan 6th 1437 1 - YouTube
1 - الصحابة وآل بيت النبي ﷺ وحقوقهم -عثمان الخميس - YouTube
நபிஸல் அவர்களைப் போன்று எப்படி தொழுவது - YouTube
ଇସଲାମର ଧର୍ମପ୍ରଚାରକ /ନବି / ରସୁଲ ମୁହମ୍ମଦ ସଲ୍ଲଲ୍ଲାହୁ ଅଲୈହି ୱ ସଲ୍ଲମ୍ । - Oriya
मुलाक़ात के आदाब - YouTube
LIVE talk about it - YouTube
Having Mercy on Children - Ismail Bullock - YouTube
Lɩslaoongã Tẽn-tʋʋmã a Mʋhammad, -Wẽnd pʋʋsg la A tɩlgr be a yĩnga - Moore
Hanya Dua Kali Dalam Sembilan Puluh Tahun
Lɩslaoongã Tẽn-tʋʋmã a Mʋhammad, -Wẽnd pʋʋsg la A tɩlgr be a yĩnga - Moore
The Annihilation of The Quran Burner! *** FULL DEBATE VIDEO *** - YouTube
How can you fight your nafs (desires)? - Q&A - Sh. Khalid Yasin - YouTube
متى وُلد المسيح عيسى بن مريم؟ - عربي - أحمد ديدات
أنواع 12 من المسلمين لن يدخلوا الجنة - YouTube
Seerah of Prophet Muhammed 36 - The Battle of Badr 1 - Yasir Qadhi | 10th October 2012 - YouTube
حلقة ١٥ أبوبكر من لندن بالقرآن اهتديت للشيخ فهد الكندري EP15 Guided Through the Quran - YouTube
تلاوة خاشعة لآخر سورة طه للشيخ د. بندر بليلة | فجر الأربعاء 15-5-1445هـ - YouTube
Nawfel Kerwan - Cours | Islamway
When someone says bad things about you | Mufti Menk | Zah.fiirrr - YouTube
Sheikh Hussain Yee revert story - YouTube
١١٠ فائدة من كتاب العلم للعلامة : محمد العثيمين
بقايا أنفاس - طريق الإسلام
Pierre Vogel - Früher hatten viele Deutsche Probleme mit Ausländern in Großstädten - YouTube
Finding the Balance - Shaykh Assim Al Hakeem - YouTube
Is It Allowed to Take Your Payment from a Person Whose Income is Haram - Dr Zakir Naik - YouTube
(1) 🕋 English Woman Accepts Islam with Sheikh Uthman Ibn Farooq in London 🇬🇧 #otmfdawah - YouTube
Allah's dominion! - YouTube
الأربعاء، 29 نوفمبر 2023
Riproduci in streaming سورة القيامة 1419هـ 1998م مشاري راشد العفاسي di قرأن كريم | Ascolta online gratis su SoundCloud
דבר אחד | האתר של הנביא מוחמד עליו שלום וברכה
من استيقظ في الليل | د. عائض القرني - YouTube
When Quran Shocked Jeffrey Lang - YouTube
Rastafarian meets Mohammed Hijab! Hijab & Rasta | Speakers Corner | Old Is Gold | Hyde Park - YouTube
How to block Evil Eye? By Assim Al Hakeem - YouTube
موقع فضيلة الشيخ محمد حسين يعقوب
Islam News Room - Christmas Facts HACKED & REPLACED
Friday Bayan #3 | Sh Wasim Kempson - YouTube
L’étude de la biographie du Prophète (Bpsl) | Site de soutien au Messager d'Allah Muhammad
Fundraiser by AbuHafsah AbdulMalik Clare : Abu Hafsah Dawah funds
Пратеника на исляма - Мухаммед /Аллах да го благослови и с мир да го дари/ - Български
Before Abraham was, I am
Answering Christanity مع Ina Sukinah و٥ آخرين.
One Quran Verse Made me a Muslim - Yusha Evans - YouTube
تصفية الأعمال بالإخلاص |منزلة الفرار | مدارج السالكين | فضيلة الشيخ المربي محمد حسين يعقوب - YouTube
LIVE talk about it - YouTube
How Do I Get My Husband to Pray? | Q&A with Dr. Shabir Ally - YouTube
جزء تبارك كاملة | بيشةوا قادر الكردي | راحة نفسية - YouTube
예언자 무함마드그분에게 하나님의 평화가 깃들기를의 삶을 통해 소개하는 이슬람과 이슬람문명 그분에게 하나님의 평화가 깃들기를 무함마드 최후의 예언자 - 한국어
Top Boy | Advice to those on Road - YouTube
Father and Daughter (Short Story) - Science & Faith
Intercession of the Qur'an for the Reciter | Class #11 | Sh. Abdool Hamid - YouTube
The Reason of Increasing Conflict in the World, According to Dr Zakir Naik - YouTube
ما حكم قيام الجالسين للسلام على رجل دخل إلى مجلسهم؟ | العلامة الشيخ صالح الفوزان - YouTube
Хадис: ‘Аиша (да будет доволен ею Аллах) передаёт: «Когда [Всевышний Аллах] ниспослал моё оправдание, Пророк (мир ему и благословение Аллаха) поднялся на минбар и объявил об этом, прочитав аяты Корана. А спустившись с минбара, он велел подвергнуть двух мужчин и одну женщину наказанию [за клевету], что и было сделано» - Перевод энциклопедии хадисов Пророка
Evolution # 3 (Questions) - YouTube
A Dialogue With History Episode #010 | Hamza Andreas Tzortzis | Orya Maqbool Jan Podcast - YouTube
Сунны Пророка | Сайт поддержки Мухаммада посланника Аллаха
Amen Dali - Die Quittung erfolgt noch im Diesseits, vor dem Jenseits - YouTube
تفسير جزء تبارك سورة القلم للشيخ عثمان الخميس - YouTube
Le danger de trop s'attacher à sa femme - La science légiférée - العلم الشرعي
صلاة المغرب للشيخ أحمد بن طالب 15 جمادى الأولى 1445هـ - YouTube
Allah Replaces What You Leave For His Sake, with Something Better — Ilmstitute
Vài Điều Hữu Ích Cho Cuộc Sống Hạnh Phúc - Việt Nam - Abu Zaytune Usman bin Ibrahim
Vergleicht Pierre Vogel Weihnachten mit kriminellen Dingen? - YouTube
Lesson 6 | Learn How to Read Qur'aan | Al-Qaa'idah Al-Nooraniyyah - YouTube
Thy locks & Legs
"Take the millstones, and grind meal: uncover thy locks, make bare the leg, uncover the thigh, pass over the rivers. Thy nakedness shall be uncovered, yea, thy shame shall be seen: I will take vengeance, and I will not meet thee as a man."[Isaiah 47:2-3]
(If you read the text in Isaiah chapter forty-seven, you will see why.) so He commanded her to walk across the river, then, to lift up her skirt so her thigh would show. And God said that when her thigh was exposed, she would be naked and her shame would be revealed. We read that she was told to uncover the locks, to make bare the leg, uncover the thigh and "thy nakedness shall be uncovered."
And this should make it obvious that bathing suits are not modest, that they expose nakedness. You could buy a mini-skirt that only uncovers three or four inches of nakedness. A swimsuit will expose a full eighteen inches of nakedness. We think that if we get on a swimsuit, our genitals are covered and we are clothed. God says no, you don't just cover your genitals. You cover the thigh. Plus the swimsuit shows off the form and the figure, and is not shamefulness. It doesn't flow. It is not long. It is not modest.
Isaiah 57:9, Jeremiah 4:30, II Kings 9:30, Ezekiel 23:40, Revelation 18:12-13, where wicked women wore perfume or wore makeup. They point out where Jezebel wore makeup, and the whore of Revelation wore makeup, therefore it is a sin to wear makeup.
1 Corinthians 11:4; “Every man praying or prophesying, having his head covered, dishonoureth his head."
First Timothy 2:9, we read that women should adorn themselves in "modest apparel." In the Greek, the word for modest is the word katastolh (katastole), and it means a long flowing garment.
Remember I said that in the Bible days, men wore a short tight skirt and women wore a long and flowing robe. That was a katastole. The Bible in First Timothy 2:9 tells women to adorn themselves in a long flowing garment, not a short, tight garment. That is what modest is, long and flowing. Pants do not flow. I have never yet seen a pair of pants that flow. Therefore, even if "long," they do not qualify as a long flowing garment. And since they are not a long flowing garment, they are not a katastole. Katastole is translated modest. Therefore, if a modest garment is a long flowing garment, and pants do not flow, pants are not modest.
Well, once again that word modest or katastole, long flowing garment. Neither shorts or mini-skirts are long and shorts do not flow, therefore shorts or mini-skirts would not be modest,
Because they do not meet the length requirement. A katastole is a long and flowing garment. The second reason why shorts and mini-skirts would be inappropriate for a woman is because the Bible specifically says that when a woman's thighs show, she is naked
"The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man." [Deuteronomy 22:5]