الاثنين، 8 يناير 2024

What Happened? (I posted this) Then what do you think happened . . ? Here's my post:


What Happened? (I posted this) Then what do you think happened . . ? Here's my post:
-- Can we discuss what Jesus said in Mark 12:28-29?
(28) Jesus is asked, "What is the greatest commandment?” (29): {Jesus answered him saying: “The greatest commandment is’ “Know, O Israel, the Lord OUR God is one Lord.”}
Why nothing about Jesus’s answer? The true message is left out by saying, "the great commandment, includes loving God with all our hearts."
Jesus said the greatest commandment is to know:
“The Lord OUR GOD is ONE Lord.”
Jesus includes himself: "OUR God”.
And he says, "ONE Lord”, but no trinity.
'Trinity' is nowhere in the Bible. What about that?
Thank you so much for opening my mind and heart to think for myself - instead of what I'm told to think.
I love the way our Bible still tells us — about One God.
I want to love God with all my heart, mind and spirit.
I feel that - when I pray to the God Jesus prayed to.
Guess what happened . . (tonight on GuideUS.app) Guide US TV online at GuideUS.TV 6PM PST (9PM EST)

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