الخميس، 20 يونيو 2024

We asked Ai, "When was Jesus, son of Mary really born?"


We asked Ai, "When was Jesus, son of Mary really born?"
Ai said . .
"The exact date of Jesus' birth is not known. Most scholars believe that Jesus was born between 6 and 4 BCE, based on historical references and the timing of events described in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. The date of December 25 was chosen by the early Christian church, possibly to coincide with Roman festivals or the winter solstice, but this is not considered his actual birth date
We tried again on ChatGPT:
Was JESUS on December 25th?
ChatGPT said:
"December 25th was chosen as the date to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ by the early Christian Church. However, several deities from different mythologies were also said to be born on or around this date, often associated with the winter solstice. Some of these include:
Mithras: A deity of the Mithraic mystery religion practiced in the Roman Empire, who was celebrated on December 25th.
Sol Invictus: The "Unconquered Sun," a Roman sun god whose feast day was on December 25th.
Horus: Some versions of Egyptian mythology suggest Horus was born on December 25th, although this is debated among scholars.
These associations reflect the importance of the winter solstice as a time of renewal and rebirth in various ancient cultures."

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أنت، وYusuf Estes، وMy Lord, guide me. و٣٠١ شخص آخر

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