If you say no ..you are wrong because now you fell in the trap of atheism rather we Say He as attributes and Names but whether He has a body or not no Sahabi ever talked on this
Yet we ask you what do you mean by Jism body
If you say He has a body like us then you committed Kufr because Allah says ((nothing is like Him)) if you say he has no body we will say no He has but we Don’t know How
Response to this description that some claim on Allah that both His Hands are right!!!
Free Aqeeda lesson to Jahils by Ridouan Soumaa
Hadeeth doesn't say both hands on the right side
Hadeeth says both Hands are right for us not to think of any directions because that does not befit the Majestic being of Allah the Almighty
We can never encompass His Majestic being
Yes Allah Has too both right and left hands [ref Muslim 2788]
Either side of the Being is the right side both being equally mrneritorious. (The Dispensers of justice are)
Both are powerful [Ref: Muslim 1827]
as for us one is more powerful than the other which is a defect in humans
Sahih Muslim 34 : 4825
Sheikh Ibn Uthaimin says Allah had both right and left hands but the Hadeeth says both his Hands are right just to refer to blessings and virtue of His both Hands because Allah does just the good not like us humans
We are told in Sunnah that the right hand is better to eat with
We are always told that the right is the right and left symbolizes evil and devil.
Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) passed by a man of the Ansar who was admonishing his brother regarding shyness. Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, "Leave him alone, for modesty is a part of Iman."
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
So that's why prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said both His Hands are blessing (right)
والشيخ محمد بن صالح العثيمين ـ رحمه الله ـ علم من أعلام أهل السنة، ويحسن بنا في هذا المقام أن ننقل كلامه، قال فضيلته: والجمع بين الحديثين واضح، أن الله تعالى له يمين وشمال، لكن كلتا اليدين يمين أي: يُمن وخير وبركة، فلا يتوهم واهم أنه إذا كانت له يد شمال أن يده الشمال قاصرة كما هي في المخلوقين، فالخلق أشرفهم البشر، والشخص يده الشمال قاصرة عن يده اليمين، ولهذا نهي الإنسان أن يأكل بشماله، أو يشرب بشماله، أو يأخذ بشماله، أو يعطي بشماله، فلما كان البشر هذه صفة اليد الشمال عندهم، رُفع هذا الوهم بقول الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم: كلتا يديه يمين. لقاء الباب المفتوح.
Names and Attributes of Allah
The scholars of ‘‘Ahlu Sunnah wal Jamaa`ah’’ (Sunna and consensus) say that the correct faith in Allah's attributes means
a. believing in them without denying them or their meanings (ta`teel),
b. Without interpreting them and changing their meanings (tahreef)
c. Without explaining how they are (takyeef)
d. Without likening Allaah's attributes to those of the creation (tamtheel).
The consensus of the predecessors and leaders of this Ummah (nation) follow this creed of course even though many sects deviated in understanding the names and attributes of Allah
Thus, the scholar Imam Malik answered a man when he asked him about how does God rises over his Thrown !!??
He said :’Istiwa (Elevation) is not unknown, and its how [manner] is not conceivable.
To ask the question about this topic is an innovation, and to believe in it is an obligation; and I believe you are among the [bad] innovators”.
Therefore we believe that Allah or God has 99 beautiful names and more and has Almighty and High attributes that are above measure, beyond our imagination, unconceivable and uncomparables with His creations’ .
God also Pleases Displeases has Sight but not the Known eyes to us has Hearing but not necessarily ears ..etc
He Has All good Names and Attributes only some we know
We believe in Allah without images known to us (exactly as in Bible )
No images known to us but known only by Him
But then Bible is spoilt by Paul it has both falsehood and liiiiiitle truth
We know from prophetic sayings that are preserved like the Qur’an that God has Eyes Face Leg Foot.
However whatever comes to your mind he’s unlike it as he said in the Qur’an ;
((Nothing is like Him but he’s all Seeing all Hearing))
[42 : 11] See also [112,4]
By RTC 1
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