الخميس، 31 يناير 2013

birth of god

Christianity is Based on these questions (is there any answer)

♥ ♥ ♥ Shareeeee , To Everyone To Know The Truth ♥ ♥ ♥

1-Where in the bible did Jesus claim to be god?
2-Where in the bible did Jesus ask to be worshipped?
3-Where did Jesus say I am God Manifested in flesh?
4-Where did Jesus mention the original sin?
5-Where did Jesus say I am the God the Son?
6-Where did Jesus say that I am God the Word?
7-Where did Jesus say I am the Second God in Trinity?
Was jesus God or son of God???
Where in the Gospel Jesus Said "i'am the God
Where in the gospel Jesus asked to be Worshiped
Jesus Like A sheep , they Worship A Sheep In Their Bible
Revelation chapter 17 Issue 14, سفر الرؤيا الاصحاح 17 العدد 14
أنجيل يوحنا 17:3
Joh 17:3 And this is life eternal, that they may know thee, that thou art the only true God, and whom thou hast sent, Jesus Messiah.
يوحنا 5:31
Joh 5:31 If I should bear testimony respecting myself, my testimony would not be valid.

Joh 5:32 There is another that beareth testimony concerning me; and I know that the testimony which he beareth concerning me is true.
الاجابه فى 5:37
Joh 5:37 And the Father who sent me, he testifieth of me. Ye have not at any time heard his voice, nor have ye seen his visage.

the above verses claimed and confirmed that the father he is no the son and he is not the Word

jesus said : " i have yet many thing to say unto you , but ye cant not bear them now . when he , the spirit of truth , is come , he will guide you into all truth " ( john 16 : 12-13) the spirit of truth is prophet mohammed
My father, which gave them me, is greater than all ; and no man is able to pluck them out of my father’s hand.”
Gospel of john chapter 17 verse 21-22
he said father is greater then all
Joh 5:30 I cannot do anything of myself; as I hear, I judge, and my judgment is righteous, because I do not seek my will, but the will of him that has sent me.
Joh 8:28 Jesus therefore said to them, When ye shall have lifted up the Son of man, then ye shall know that I am he , and that I do nothing of myself, but as the Father has taught me I speak these things.
Joh 8:19 They said to him therefore, Where is thy Father? Jesus answered, Ye know neither me nor my Father. If ye had known me, ye would have known also my Father.
قال لهم يسوع: متى رفعتم ابن الإنسان فحينئذ تفهمون أني أنا هو، ولست أفعل شيئاً من نفسي، بل أتكلم بهذا كما علّمني أبي. والذي أرسلني هو معي، ولم يتركني الآب وحدي، لأني في كل حين أفعل ما يرضيه " (يوحنا 8/28).
Act 3:13 The God of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob, the God of our fathers, has glorified his servant Jesus, whom *ye* delivered up, and denied him in the presence of Pilate, when *he* had judged that he should be let go.
Act 3:13 إن إله إبراهيم وإسحق ويعقوب، إله آبائنا، قد مجد عبده يسوع الذي أسلمتموه أنتم وأنكرتموه أمام بيلاطس، وكان قد عزم على تخلية سبيله،
Mar 15:34 وفي الساعة الثالثة صرخ يسوع صرخة شديدة، قال: ((ألوي ألوي، لما شبقتاني؟)) أي: إلهي إلهي، لماذا تركتني ؟
Mar 15:34 and at the ninth hour, Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying , Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani? which is, being interpreted, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
Mar 13:32 But of that day or of that hour no one knows, neither the angels who are in heaven, nor the Son, but the Father.

Mar 13:32 وأما ذلك اليوم وتلك الساعة فلا يعلم بهما أحد ولا الملائكة الذين في السماء ولا الابن إلا الآب.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mO6ye7stnNg الثالوث

Know The Truth Before Your Death To Enter The Paradise & ALLAH Protect You From The Fire ForEverrrrr ...


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