الأحد، 14 أبريل 2013

For my beautiful sisters...

For my beautiful sisters...
The first person to embrace Islam
was a woman - KHADIJAH (r.a.)
The first person to die for Islam
was a woman -SUMMAYAH (r.a.)
The greatest scholar of Islam was
a woman -AISHA (r.a.)
The person who loved the
Prophet (SallALLAHU Alayhi Wasallam) the most was a
woman -FATIMAH (r.a.)
The person who made the biggest
sacrifice in one day for Islam was
a woman - KHANSAA (r.a.)
One of the greatest fighters in
Islamic history was a woman-
So don't you ever let a man tell
you women are weak, limited or
oppressed in Islam..! ♥

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