You Shall Know The Truth And The Truth Shall Set You Free من قبل My Lord, guide me..
▧ Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) in Hindu Scriptures
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◕ Sloakas from Sama Veda:
" 'Ma' dau bartita Deva, 'Da'-Karante Prakirtiat, Brishanang Vakhwaet, Soda Veda Shastray Chasmrita"
Meaning: The devota whose name starts with a 'Ma' and ends with a 'Da' and who re-estabishes the tradition of eating beef, According to the Vedas he is the man who is highly adorable.
◕ Atharva Vedas: Meshudghaey ||1||:
"Idangjana Upasruta Norashan Sastya-bishwatey Shashting Sahasra Nabatingcha Kauram Aarush"
Translation: O Mankind! Listen attentively, "The Praised One" will rise from among the people; We have discovered him among the sixty thousand enemiees.
◕ Atharva-Vedic Upanishad ||9||:
"Aushwa illaley Mitravaruna-Raja Tashmat-Tani Divyani Punastang Dudhya Habaiyami Milang Kabar Illallang Alla-rahsul Mahamad Rakang Baraswa Alla Allam Illallotey Illalla"
Meaning: At an appropriate time, a Great man named MAHAMMAD will appear, whose abode will be in the desert (Arabia). He will be accompanied by his companions.
◕ Alla-Upanishad:
"Alla Mahamadkang Baraswa ... ... ... ... ... ... ..."
Translation: Accept Muhammad, the Prophet of Allah as an example to be followed.
◕ Alla-Upanishad:
"Hotermindra Hotermindra Mahashurindraiy:
Alla Jeyshthang Paramang Purnang Brhman Aullam
Alla-rahsul Mahamad Rakang Baraswa Aulley Aullam
Aadalla Bukmekkam Alla Buk Nikhatkam."
Translation: The Supreme! The Most Exalted! The Most Powerful is HE. Alla is the best and the Greatest (or Highest). He is the Supreme, Complete and One without any Fault (Error etc.). Mahamad is HIS prophet, most acceptable. He us uncomparable. Alla is Comparable to Alla alone.
◕ Uttarayan Vedas :
"La Ilha Harti Papam Illa Ilaha Param Padam Janma Baikuntha Par Aup-inuti Janpi Namo Muhammadam"
Meaning:There is no shelter but "La Ilaha ... ... ... ..." to get rid of sin. The shelter of Ilah (Allah) is the actual shelter. If one is born on earth, there is no alternative to getting salvation from sin but to take shelter in Ilah (Allah). And for this, it is essential to follow the path shown by Muhammad.
Now, the translation of some verses from Chapter 12 of the Kalki-Purana are cited below.
◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕ [2] ◕◕◕◕◕
◕ [ Kalki Purana, [2], Verses 4]
"Shomvule bisnu joshaso grehe pradurvabastum
sumitan matri bivo konnayan tonnideshth"
Afterwards, Sumati, the wife of Vishnujasha became pregnant.... Kalki descended to earth (as a human) in the month of Baisakha on the 12th day after the full moon.
" 'Jagatguru' will be born of 'Bishnuvagat' in the woumb of 'Sumati'.He will be born '2 hours after sunrise' on Monday, the 12th of 'Baishakh'. His father will die before his birth and his mother some time later after his birth. 'Jagatguru' will marry the princess of the 'Salmal' island. His uncle and three brothers will be present in his marriage ceremony. 'Pars-Ram' will teach him in a cave. When he will come to 'Sambala' from 'Salmal' island, to preach his teachings, his relatives will oppose him. He will be bound to migrate to the 'Northern Hills' to avoid the on-going torture and persecution. But after some time, he will return to 'Sambala' with 'sword in hand' and will 'conquer the whole land'. 'Jagatguru' will visit earth and the seven heavens riding on a 'horse' ". (The Kalki-Purana || Chapter 2)
◔ Jagatguru = 'Jagatguru' means teacher of the world.
◔ Vishnujasha or Bishnuvagat = 'Bishnu' means the 'Creator' and 'Vagat' means the 'Servant'. Therefore, Bishnuvagat means the Servant of the Creator, and the arabic of this is "Abdullah".
◔ Sumati= 'Su' means 'Peace' or 'Self-Satisfaction' And 'Mati' means 'Soul' or 'Heart'. Therefore, the meaning of 'Sumati' stands 'Satisfied Heart', and the arabic of which is "Amina". Prophet Muhammad's (peace be upon him) mother's name is Amina.
◕ Kalki Purana, [2], Verses 15
"dadashn suskh pokhs madhbe majhi madhb
jate ddret potrong pitoro histomanshu"
◔ 12th Baishakh, Monday = According to the Bikrami Calender of India, the month Baishakh is known as the month of Spring. The arabic of 'Spring' is 'Rabi'. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was born on Monday, the 12th of Rabi-ul-Awual, the third month of the arabic calender.
◔ Pars-Ram = 'Ram' means Creator and 'Pars' means Axe, and sometimes it also means 'the Great'. Angel Gabriel is the highly dignified Angel of Allah (One True God), who used to deliver Allah's words or messages to the Prophets. The Message angel Gabriel brought to prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) from Allah was as sharp as an axe, which eliminated all the injustice and falsehood on earth. 'Pars-ram' thus refers to angel Gabriel, who is the axe-bearer of Allah.
◔ 2 Hours after Sunrise = If it is 2 hours after sunrise in India, the corresponding time in Arabia would be 2 hours and 40 minutes earlier
◔ Sambala
in the Puranas of the Hindus the world has been divided into six parts. For example,
1. Jambu Island- India, Tibbet, Burma (i.e. Mayanmar) etc.
2. Shak Island- Europe
3. Karuncha Island- Beluchistan and Afganistan
4. Kaash Island- Africa
5. Shakli Island- Russia and China
6. Salmal Island- Arab and Asia Minor.
The Northern Hills = It refers to the city of Medina (the early name was 'Yathrib'). The city of Medina is about 225 miles to the north of the city of Mecca.
◔ Horse= It refers to 'Burak', the carrier who took Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to the miraculouus night journey from Mecca to Jerusalem and then to the seven heavens, and finally to the Creator of the Universe, 'Allah'.
◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕ [3] ◕◕◕◕◕
◕ [Maharisyi Vyasa/Bhavisya Puran/Prati Sarg Parv III:3,3,5-8]
"A foreign spiritual teacher will appear with his companions. His name will be Mohammad."
◕ Sanskrit text of the Puranas, Prati Sarg Parv III: 3, 3) Verses 5-27
"A malechha (belonging to a foreign country and speaking foreign language) spiritual teacher will appear with his companions. His name will be Mahamad. Raja (Bhoj) after giving this Mahadev Arab (of angelic disposition) a bath in the 'Panchgavya' and the Ganges water, (i.e. purging him of all sins) offered him the presents of his sincere devotion and showing him all reverence said, 'I make obeisance to thee.' 'O Ye! the pride of mankind, the dweller in Arabia, Ye have collected a great force to kill the Devil and you yourself have been protected from the malechha opponents (idol worshipers, pagans).' 'O Ye! the image of the Most Pious God the biggest Lord, I am a slave to thee, take me as one lying on thy feet.” [Maharisyi Vyasa/Bhavisya Puran/Prati Sarg Parv III:3,3,5-8]
◕ [Bhavishya Puran/Shalokas 10-27]
"... will be a man circumcised, keeping beard, creating a revolution, announcing the prayer-call, eating all kinds of animal except swine.... they will be known as Musalman."
— مع Darussalaam India.◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕ [1] ◕◕◕◕◕
◕ Sloakas from Sama Veda:
" 'Ma' dau bartita Deva, 'Da'-Karante Prakirtiat, Brishanang Vakhwaet, Soda Veda Shastray Chasmrita"
Meaning: The devota whose name starts with a 'Ma' and ends with a 'Da' and who re-estabishes the tradition of eating beef, According to the Vedas he is the man who is highly adorable.
◕ Atharva Vedas: Meshudghaey ||1||:
"Idangjana Upasruta Norashan Sastya-bishwatey Shashting Sahasra Nabatingcha Kauram Aarush"
Translation: O Mankind! Listen attentively, "The Praised One" will rise from among the people; We have discovered him among the sixty thousand enemiees.
◕ Atharva-Vedic Upanishad ||9||:
"Aushwa illaley Mitravaruna-Raja Tashmat-Tani Divyani Punastang Dudhya Habaiyami Milang Kabar Illallang Alla-rahsul Mahamad Rakang Baraswa Alla Allam Illallotey Illalla"
Meaning: At an appropriate time, a Great man named MAHAMMAD will appear, whose abode will be in the desert (Arabia). He will be accompanied by his companions.
◕ Alla-Upanishad:
"Alla Mahamadkang Baraswa ... ... ... ... ... ... ..."
Translation: Accept Muhammad, the Prophet of Allah as an example to be followed.
◕ Alla-Upanishad:
"Hotermindra Hotermindra Mahashurindraiy:
Alla Jeyshthang Paramang Purnang Brhman Aullam
Alla-rahsul Mahamad Rakang Baraswa Aulley Aullam
Aadalla Bukmekkam Alla Buk Nikhatkam."
Translation: The Supreme! The Most Exalted! The Most Powerful is HE. Alla is the best and the Greatest (or Highest). He is the Supreme, Complete and One without any Fault (Error etc.). Mahamad is HIS prophet, most acceptable. He us uncomparable. Alla is Comparable to Alla alone.
◕ Uttarayan Vedas :
"La Ilha Harti Papam Illa Ilaha Param Padam Janma Baikuntha Par Aup-inuti Janpi Namo Muhammadam"
Meaning:There is no shelter but "La Ilaha ... ... ... ..." to get rid of sin. The shelter of Ilah (Allah) is the actual shelter. If one is born on earth, there is no alternative to getting salvation from sin but to take shelter in Ilah (Allah). And for this, it is essential to follow the path shown by Muhammad.
Now, the translation of some verses from Chapter 12 of the Kalki-Purana are cited below.
◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕◕ [2] ◕◕◕◕◕
◕ [ Kalki Purana, [2], Verses 4]
"Shomvule bisnu joshaso grehe pradurvabastum
sumitan matri bivo konnayan tonnideshth"
Afterwards, Sumati, the wife of Vishnujasha became pregnant.... Kalki descended to earth (as a human) in the month of Baisakha on the 12th day after the full moon.
" 'Jagatguru' will be born of 'Bishnuvagat' in the woumb of 'Sumati'.He will be born '2 hours after sunrise' on Monday, the 12th of 'Baishakh'. His father will die before his birth and his mother some time later after his birth. 'Jagatguru' will marry the princess of the 'Salmal' island. His uncle and three brothers will be present in his marriage ceremony. 'Pars-Ram' will teach him in a cave. When he will come to 'Sambala' from 'Salmal' island, to preach his teachings, his relatives will oppose him. He will be bound to migrate to the 'Northern Hills' to avoid the on-going torture and persecution. But after some time, he will return to 'Sambala' with 'sword in hand' and will 'conquer the whole land'. 'Jagatguru' will visit earth and the seven heavens riding on a 'horse' ". (The Kalki-Purana || Chapter 2)
◔ Jagatguru = 'Jagatguru' means teacher of the world.
◔ Vishnujasha or Bishnuvagat = 'Bishnu' means the 'Creator' and 'Vagat' means the 'Servant'. Therefore, Bishnuvagat means the Servant of the Creator, and the arabic of this is "Abdullah".
◔ Sumati= 'Su' means 'Peace' or 'Self-Satisfaction' And 'Mati' means 'Soul' or 'Heart'. Therefore, the meaning of 'Sumati' stands 'Satisfied Heart', and the arabic of which is "Amina". Prophet Muhammad's (peace be upon him) mother's name is Amina.
◕ Kalki Purana, [2], Verses 15
"dadashn suskh pokhs madhbe majhi madhb
jate ddret potrong pitoro histomanshu"
◔ 12th Baishakh, Monday = According to the Bikrami Calender of India, the month Baishakh is known as the month of Spring. The arabic of 'Spring' is 'Rabi'. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was born on Monday, the 12th of Rabi-ul-Awual, the third month of the arabic calender.
◔ Pars-Ram = 'Ram' means Creator and 'Pars' means Axe, and sometimes it also means 'the Great'. Angel Gabriel is the highly dignified Angel of Allah (One True God), who used to deliver Allah's words or messages to the Prophets. The Message angel Gabriel brought to prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) from Allah was as sharp as an axe, which eliminated all the injustice and falsehood on earth. 'Pars-ram' thus refers to angel Gabriel, who is the axe-bearer of Allah.
◔ 2 Hours after Sunrise = If it is 2 hours after sunrise in India, the corresponding time in Arabia would be 2 hours and 40 minutes earlier
◔ Sambala
in the Puranas of the Hindus the world has been divided into six parts. For example,
1. Jambu Island- India, Tibbet, Burma (i.e. Mayanmar) etc.
2. Shak Island- Europe
3. Karuncha Island- Beluchistan and Afganistan
4. Kaash Island- Africa
5. Shakli Island- Russia and China
6. Salmal Island- Arab and Asia Minor.
The Northern Hills = It refers to the city of Medina (the early name was 'Yathrib'). The city of Medina is about 225 miles to the north of the city of Mecca.
◔ Horse= It refers to 'Burak', the carrier who took Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to the miraculouus night journey from Mecca to Jerusalem and then to the seven heavens, and finally to the Creator of the Universe, 'Allah'.
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◕ [Maharisyi Vyasa/Bhavisya Puran/Prati Sarg Parv III:3,3,5-8]
"A foreign spiritual teacher will appear with his companions. His name will be Mohammad."
◕ Sanskrit text of the Puranas, Prati Sarg Parv III: 3, 3) Verses 5-27
"A malechha (belonging to a foreign country and speaking foreign language) spiritual teacher will appear with his companions. His name will be Mahamad. Raja (Bhoj) after giving this Mahadev Arab (of angelic disposition) a bath in the 'Panchgavya' and the Ganges water, (i.e. purging him of all sins) offered him the presents of his sincere devotion and showing him all reverence said, 'I make obeisance to thee.' 'O Ye! the pride of mankind, the dweller in Arabia, Ye have collected a great force to kill the Devil and you yourself have been protected from the malechha opponents (idol worshipers, pagans).' 'O Ye! the image of the Most Pious God the biggest Lord, I am a slave to thee, take me as one lying on thy feet.” [Maharisyi Vyasa/Bhavisya Puran/Prati Sarg Parv III:3,3,5-8]
◕ [Bhavishya Puran/Shalokas 10-27]
"... will be a man circumcised, keeping beard, creating a revolution, announcing the prayer-call, eating all kinds of animal except swine.... they will be known as Musalman."
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