الخميس، 12 ديسمبر 2013

If you are really followers of Jesus, why don't you fast for 40 days?

‏‎Answering Christanity‎‏ من قبل ‏‎Koki Noor‎‏.
Our members asking christians

If you are really followers of Jesus (pbuh), why don't you fast for 40 days? why do you celebrate his birthday??? is there any verse in bible that show he or Mary (Mariam; peace on her) celebrates Jesus(pbuh) birthday?? before you justify yourself being a christians, do realy follow Jesus(pbuh) ways. This two principles you can't even prove to yourselves. Follow this two, then i will believe you are true followers fo Christ (pbuh), deny these two questions w/o any proof from bible then you are HYPOCRITES.. simple as that.

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