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Sun Worship in Christianity
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The True Sabbath
In the fourth commandment, it states that the 7th day is the sabbath. If we look at a calender, we see that the 7th day is Saturtday. Now of course theHebrew people didn't call it Saturday because that is a name of another Pagan God. So it was called the 7th day.
During the time of the Messiah Yehowshuwa, the day of rest was the 7th day.
At first the true followers of Yehowahand his son Yehowshuwa, were keeping the 7th day Sabbath. But as they were killed off and died, and time had passed, the 'day of rest' got changed to Sunday. The day the Roman Pagans worshiped the Sun. Sol Invictus, the invincible sun.
Constantine was said to be the high priest for the Sol Invictus, which was carried on from Babylon, which was carried on from Egypt.
(Constantine was said to have conquered in the sign of the Cross, or the Chi Rho the monogram of Christos. This picture on the right shows the the Catholic Church is the continuation of Constantine).
In 321 AD Constantine, enacted the Sunday law, enforcing that the ' Day of the Sun' should be a rest day. This brought all the sun worshipers into the Church, with their money.
And the Catholic Church continued this observance. The Catholic Church is the mother of all the Christian Churches. This is the reason most Protestant churches also keep Sunday. Because the come from the' mother church'.
The fourth commandment states:
Exodus 20:8 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
9 Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:
10 But the seventh day the sabbath of YEHOWAH thy God: thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that within thy gates:
11 For six days YEHOWAH made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them , and rested the seventh day: wherefore YEHOWAH blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.
I have inserted the name of the Almighty that was written in the original Hebrew Script that has been replaced by the word LORD in most bibles. And by reading the above commandment, it clearly states who is the Creator
To read about the true bible names and the incorrect use of the title 'Christ' instead of Messias, see the followinghttp://www.hubpages.com/hub/biblenames
Sun Worship
One of the requirements in sun worship is a need for three gods, father, mother and child. The child becomes the reincarnation of the father. Nimrod, Tammuz and Semiramis was one of the oldest trinity, the three-in-one Sungod. And we know that the bible states that the earlier Jews were worshiping Tammuz.
Ezekiel 8:14 Then he brought me to the door of the gate of Yehowah's house which toward the north; and, behold, there sat women weeping for Tammuz.
This tradition is still alive today in the Christian Churches, starting with the Catholic Church. They have continued this form of sun worship. Constantine was the emperor who enforced the Trinity in 325 AD.
All the people that would not conform, were scattered or killed.
Constantine himself was the high priest of sun worship, Sol Invictus. He continued this religion and called it Christianity. The Catholic Church uses these signs, symbols and rituals that come from sun worship. For example, IHS, which most people believe stands for the monogram of Jesus, or the Greek Iesous also stands for Isis, Horus, and Seth (the Egyptian Trinity). IHS also means 'In Hoc Signo', which means in this sign, the Cross, they will conquer.
So in keeping with the traditions of sun worship, they have changed the true sabbath, the 7th day, to the 1st day Sunday, the day of the sun. And incorporated the trinity concept.
To read about ichthus and Dagon and the fish symbol. See Dagon the Fish God
The Cross Symbol
Now we would like to look at the most popular symbol used in Christianity, the Cross.
Many people don't know that the word Cross and the word Crucify are not really biblical, but that they are of Latin origin. The words should read, a post or pole, or stake, in the place of Cross The word used for Cross in the bible is originally the Greek wordStauros meaning post or pole, orstake. When the Catholic Church commissioned Jerome to translate the bible in Latin, they subtly mistranslated the word into Stauros to Crucem, which KJV translated it to Cross in the English Version. Even though the King James version was to be translated from the Greek scripts of the New Testament, they incorporated the Latin Sun Worship Symbol 'The Cross'. Which of course Constantine was high priest of, and passed it over to the Catholic Church.
Therefore the Messiah was executed on a pole, or post,or stake, and not a Cross. And when they said crucifyhim, the original Greek scripts word is Stauroo, which means impale. So they said impale him. They impaled him on a stake. A very cruel way of torture, ( This is how Vlad, the Impaler executed his victims. Also known as Dracula, son of the Dragon. Which Prince Charles says he is related to.) Vlad the Impaler was also a defender of Christianity and the Cross. And Prince Charles, who is the Prince of Wales, whose flag is a Dragon, a Red Dragon!
So why the use of the Cross, could it be that this stands for a mark! (The mark of the beast?)
When people don't know how to read or write, they have them put their mark or X in place of their signature. When you place a mark on a map, you put a X on it. And is it a coincidence that the cross is used in so many instances of sun worship, by so many different people around the world?
The pope is the high priest of sun worship, and one can see many Crosses used by the church. And many Catholics make the sign of the cross on themselves, and the priest make this sign on the peoples foreheads. There are many different crosses. The triple cross. (the Double Cross). the Latin cross, the Greek cross, the Coptic cross etc.
The cross on it's side is an X. If one were to look in the book 'The complete encyclopedia of Signs & Symbols', there you would find many examples of the use of the cross as a pagan sun symbol.
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Courtesy: Truth of Bible and Christianity by ROAD to Jannah.
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The True Sabbath
In the fourth commandment, it states that the 7th day is the sabbath. If we look at a calender, we see that the 7th day is Saturtday. Now of course theHebrew people didn't call it Saturday because that is a name of another Pagan God. So it was called the 7th day.
During the time of the Messiah Yehowshuwa, the day of rest was the 7th day.
At first the true followers of Yehowahand his son Yehowshuwa, were keeping the 7th day Sabbath. But as they were killed off and died, and time had passed, the 'day of rest' got changed to Sunday. The day the Roman Pagans worshiped the Sun. Sol Invictus, the invincible sun.
Constantine was said to be the high priest for the Sol Invictus, which was carried on from Babylon, which was carried on from Egypt.
(Constantine was said to have conquered in the sign of the Cross, or the Chi Rho the monogram of Christos. This picture on the right shows the the Catholic Church is the continuation of Constantine).
In 321 AD Constantine, enacted the Sunday law, enforcing that the ' Day of the Sun' should be a rest day. This brought all the sun worshipers into the Church, with their money.
And the Catholic Church continued this observance. The Catholic Church is the mother of all the Christian Churches. This is the reason most Protestant churches also keep Sunday. Because the come from the' mother church'.
The fourth commandment states:
Exodus 20:8 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
9 Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:
10 But the seventh day the sabbath of YEHOWAH thy God: thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that within thy gates:
11 For six days YEHOWAH made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them , and rested the seventh day: wherefore YEHOWAH blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.
I have inserted the name of the Almighty that was written in the original Hebrew Script that has been replaced by the word LORD in most bibles. And by reading the above commandment, it clearly states who is the Creator
To read about the true bible names and the incorrect use of the title 'Christ' instead of Messias, see the followinghttp://www.hubpages.com/hub/biblenames
Sun Worship
One of the requirements in sun worship is a need for three gods, father, mother and child. The child becomes the reincarnation of the father. Nimrod, Tammuz and Semiramis was one of the oldest trinity, the three-in-one Sungod. And we know that the bible states that the earlier Jews were worshiping Tammuz.
Ezekiel 8:14 Then he brought me to the door of the gate of Yehowah's house which toward the north; and, behold, there sat women weeping for Tammuz.
This tradition is still alive today in the Christian Churches, starting with the Catholic Church. They have continued this form of sun worship. Constantine was the emperor who enforced the Trinity in 325 AD.
All the people that would not conform, were scattered or killed.
Constantine himself was the high priest of sun worship, Sol Invictus. He continued this religion and called it Christianity. The Catholic Church uses these signs, symbols and rituals that come from sun worship. For example, IHS, which most people believe stands for the monogram of Jesus, or the Greek Iesous also stands for Isis, Horus, and Seth (the Egyptian Trinity). IHS also means 'In Hoc Signo', which means in this sign, the Cross, they will conquer.
So in keeping with the traditions of sun worship, they have changed the true sabbath, the 7th day, to the 1st day Sunday, the day of the sun. And incorporated the trinity concept.
To read about ichthus and Dagon and the fish symbol. See Dagon the Fish God
The Cross Symbol
Now we would like to look at the most popular symbol used in Christianity, the Cross.
Many people don't know that the word Cross and the word Crucify are not really biblical, but that they are of Latin origin. The words should read, a post or pole, or stake, in the place of Cross The word used for Cross in the bible is originally the Greek wordStauros meaning post or pole, orstake. When the Catholic Church commissioned Jerome to translate the bible in Latin, they subtly mistranslated the word into Stauros to Crucem, which KJV translated it to Cross in the English Version. Even though the King James version was to be translated from the Greek scripts of the New Testament, they incorporated the Latin Sun Worship Symbol 'The Cross'. Which of course Constantine was high priest of, and passed it over to the Catholic Church.
Therefore the Messiah was executed on a pole, or post,or stake, and not a Cross. And when they said crucifyhim, the original Greek scripts word is Stauroo, which means impale. So they said impale him. They impaled him on a stake. A very cruel way of torture, ( This is how Vlad, the Impaler executed his victims. Also known as Dracula, son of the Dragon. Which Prince Charles says he is related to.) Vlad the Impaler was also a defender of Christianity and the Cross. And Prince Charles, who is the Prince of Wales, whose flag is a Dragon, a Red Dragon!
So why the use of the Cross, could it be that this stands for a mark! (The mark of the beast?)
When people don't know how to read or write, they have them put their mark or X in place of their signature. When you place a mark on a map, you put a X on it. And is it a coincidence that the cross is used in so many instances of sun worship, by so many different people around the world?
The pope is the high priest of sun worship, and one can see many Crosses used by the church. And many Catholics make the sign of the cross on themselves, and the priest make this sign on the peoples foreheads. There are many different crosses. The triple cross. (the Double Cross). the Latin cross, the Greek cross, the Coptic cross etc.
The cross on it's side is an X. If one were to look in the book 'The complete encyclopedia of Signs & Symbols', there you would find many examples of the use of the cross as a pagan sun symbol.
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You will get more detailed article links within the article in above link.
Courtesy: Truth of Bible and Christianity by ROAD to Jannah.
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