الاثنين، 22 أغسطس 2016

Beware of the Deviant sufis

Invite to God

Beware of the Deviant sufis
Veneration of the Shaykhs Among the Sufis So, O noble brothers, these are the schools of Sufism. The lightest of them is that of monkery (rahbaaniyyah) which has been forbidden by Islaam, and the most abominable is the saying that Allaah dwells and is incarnate within His creation (Huloool) and the saying that everything in existence is in reality Allaah (wahdatul-wujood). Then it is a fact that all sects of the Sufis have gone beyond bounds in veneration of their shaykhs and in complete submission of the follower (mureed) to his teacher (shaykh); to the point that the follower gives full and unrestricted obedience to his shaykh, not showing the slightest resistance, so that he becomes like a dead body beneath the hand of the person washing it. Muhammad 'Uthmaan as-Sufi the author of al-Habaatul Muqtabisah says whilst discussing the manners befitting the follower: “From them is that he sits in his presence as he sits in the Prayer, and that he loses himself in his presence, and that he does not sit above his mat, nor make wudoo with his pot, nor lean upon his stick. Listen to what one of the pure people said: “Whoever says ‘Why?’ to his teacher will never prosper.” Mustafaa al-Bakree wrote these manners in poetical form in BulghatulMureed, saying: “Submit the affair to him and do not question. Even if he comes with something sinful if that be possible. Be in his presence like a dead person since I am with one washing me to remove the filth from me. Do not step upon his mat, nor sleep upon his pillow.” [Attributed by al-Wakeel to Bulghatul-Mureed] The Sufis make it obligatory for the follower to be a slave in mind and body to his shaykh, deprived of all will like a deceased person with the one washing him. Even if he sees him committing a sin or something contrary to the Sharee’ah still it is not permissible for him to ask about the reason for that, if he were to do so then he would be rejected from the mercy of his shaykh and would never prosper.

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