تبارك الذي نزل الفرقان على عبده ليكون للعالمين نذيرا
Blessed is He who sent down the Criterion upon His Servant that he may be to the worlds a warner -
الذي له ملك السماوات والأرض ولم يتخذ ولدا ولم يكن له شريك في الملك وخلق كل شيء فقدره تقديرا
He to whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth and who has not taken a son and has not had a partner in dominion and has created each thing and determined it with [precise] determination.
واتخذوا من دونه آلهة لا يخلقون شيئا وهم يخلقون ولا يملكون لأنفسهم ضرّا ولا نفعا ولا يملكون موتا ولا حياة ولا نشورا
But they have taken besides Him gods which create nothing, while they are created, and possess not for themselves any harm or benefit and possess not [power to cause] death or life or resurrection.
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