الجمعة، 23 ديسمبر 2016

The actual birth date of the Masīḥ

ISLAM and Science
5 ساعة
The actual birth date of the Masīḥ is not known, and the dispute regarding it is known between the Orthodox and Catholic Christians till today. They weren’t able to preserve their book from alteration, so how could they preserve the birth date of the one who brought their book (Jesus)?
يوم ميلاد المسيح لا يثبت تحديده، والخلاف قائم لدى الأرثوذكس والكاثوليك إلى اليوم فهم لم يحفظوا كتابهم فكيف بحفظ ميلاد صاحب الكتاب
Shaikh Abdul Aziz At-Tarefe

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