الثلاثاء، 21 مارس 2017

Allah swt said:

Peace-Islam: A Solution For Humanity
Allah swt said:
Say: "O my Servants who have transgressed against their souls! Despair not of the Mercy of Allah: for Allah forgives all sins: for He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. [az-Zumar : 53]
Indeed, Allah has opened the door of repentance to every sinner. The Prophet said,
"Oh people, repent to Allah, for indeed, I repent to Allah 100 times every day" [Muslim : 2702]
Death may come upon us at any time, and it is our last deed that counts most. Put together, these two realities make it clear that we must continually repent for our sins and that it is utter foolishness to put off repentance for another day.
[Take 60 seconds…] Turn to Allah swt right now and make sincere repentance – The Prophet pbuh repented 100 times a day? Who are we that we do not repent?
Let us turn to Allah in a repentance – you never know it could be our last day on Earth today!
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May Allah swt make our best deeds our last deeds. Say Ameen.

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