الثلاثاء، 13 يونيو 2017

If God Is Only Giving You What You Can Handle…

Sheikh Areeb
If God Is Only Giving You What You Can Handle…
As much as we’d like to think that God will never give us more than we can handle, it’s actually critical that we learn the opposite is true.
If God is only giving you what you can handle, you’ll never have to be dependent on God.
If God is only giving you what you can handle, then you are staying in your comfort zone.
If God is only giving you what you can handle, then you aren’t growing.
If you want God to use your life for something great, it’s going to be more than you can handle. God’s plans are huge! If God’s plans relied on human limitations, He’d never get anything done.
In fact, if you can handle everything that God has given you, it means God doesn’t trust you with very much.
But don’t worry, God’s going to give you way, way more than you can handle, and then pick up the slack.

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