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دار الاسلام
Juwayriyyah, the mother of the believers, may Allāh pleased with her, related that the Prophet, may Allāh send peace and blessings upon him, left her sitting in her place of prayer one morning after having prayed Fajr. On his return during the forenoon he found her still sitting as he had left her, he asked, ‘Are you still in the same state as when I left you?’ She replied, ‘Yes’. The Prophet said, ‘I said after leaving you four sentences three times - if you were to weigh them against what you have said today up until now, they would outweigh them:
Subḥānallāh wa biḥamdihi ‘adada khalqihi wa riḍā nafsihi wa zinata ‘arshihi wa midāda kalimātihi’.”[1]
«أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم خرج من عندها بكرة حين صلى الصبح، وهي في مسجدها. ثم رجع بعد أن أضحى، وهي جالسة. فقال: "ما زلت على الحال التي فارقتك عليها؟" قالت: نعم. قال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم: "لقد قلت بعدك أربع كلمات، ثلاث مرات. لو وزنت بما قلت منذ اليوم لوزنتهن: سبحان الله وبحمده، عدد خلقه ورضا نفسه وزنة عرشه ومداد كلماته» رواه مسلم
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