تمت إضافة 3 صور جديدة بواسطة The Conscious Muslim.
#ḤajjFacts🕋: Ḥajj is ‘Arafah
The Prophet (ﷺ) said this very short concise statement when talking about Ḥajj. The whole of Ḥajj and its validity is limited to the 9th Day of Dhu’l Ḥijjah also known as the Day of ‘Arafah.
The term ‘Arafah also appears in the Qurʾān where we are instructed to “celebrate the praises of Allāh…” [2:198] Scholars have offered different interpretations on ‘Arafah, particularly its name. Some say it was where Prophet Adam was acquainted with Lady Ḥawwāh as ‘Arafah means, “to get to know.” Others have stated when the archangel Jibrāʾīl came down to Prophet ʼIsmāʻīl and taught him the rites of Ḥajj he would ask, “‘Aʾraft?” meaning “Did you learn this?” and he would reply, “‘Araft” meaning “I did.” - as he got to learn and know it is called ‘Arafah. There are a multitude of explanations offered by scholars.
However, this is not just a day for the Ḥujjaj, no - it has been narrated that anyone that has an atom’s weight of faith in their heart will be forgiven by Allāh on the day of ‘Arafah, whether or not they actually stand at ‘Arafah. [Abū Dawūd]
And from ‘Arafah (عرفة) we can get Aʾraf (عَرْف) meaning fragrance. Because it is on the blessed plains of ‘Arafah that the Mercy of Allāh descends - so in this blessed day the dwellers, seekers and knowers are perfumed in the Mercy and Forgiveness of the Almighty, Exalted be He. We pray that we are perfumed in this fragranced musk too.
Whatever you do today, fasting or not, apportion some time to be on your own with your Lord and make a duʿāʾ
May Allāh make this Day of ‘Arafah a day of return to the Almighty; a day of renewal and reconnecting; a day of real spiritual and social good.
There is no deity save Allāh alone. He has no partners. To Him belongs the dominion and all praise and He has power over all things.
And Allāh alone knows best.
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