السبت، 16 سبتمبر 2017

The Promised Paradise

Mony Deen
The Promised Paradise
“God has promised the men and women who believe in Him gardens watered by running streams, in which they shall abide for ever: goodly mansions in the gardens of Eden: and, what is more, they shall have grace in God’s sight. That is the supreme triumph.” (Sura 9:72)
“…those who keep faith with God…shall have the recompense of Paradise. They shall enter the gardens of Eden together with the righteous among their fathers, their spouses, and their descendants. From every gate the angels will come in to them, saying: “Peace be to you for all that you have steadfastly endured. Blessed is the recompense of Paradise.’” (Sura 13:24)
“Blessed is the abode of the righteous. They shall enter the gardens of Eden, where rivers will roll at their feet:…the angels…saying: “Peace be on you. Come in to Paradise, the reward of your labours.’” (Sura 16:31)

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