الجمعة، 16 مارس 2018

In order for Tawheed

‏‎The Deen Show‎‏ مع ‏‎Отец Олег Криволап‎‏ و‏‏41‏ آخرين‏.
In order for Tawheed (monotheism) to be perfect, Allaah, God Almighty the Creator must be absolutely unique. That is, nothing
should be equal or similar to Allaah. Having a “begotten” son, as Christians claim, would make him similar to His creatures. Although Christians do not claim that God has a wife, Catholics among them
refer to Jesus’ mother as “the Mother of God”. Other religions attribute to God a complete family; a wife, brothers and sisters and children. In Islam God Almighty is uniquely one. He has no associates, or partners in creation, nor a family or a "begotten” son.
That's why Islam continues to be the fastest growing religion in the world because it just makes sense as it connects with the heart, mind, and soul.
Any person who sincerely looks into Islam while seeking to know the truth will see this.

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