الأربعاء، 27 يونيو 2018


Yusuf Chambers
Asalmualaikum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatuh brothers and sisters,
‘When a Muslim visits his sick brother in the morning, 70,000 Angels make Dua for his forgiveness till the evening. And when he visits him in the evening, 70,000 Angels make Dua for his forgiveness till the morning… [Tirmidhi]
There has been a phenomenal response to visit our sick brother Peter Chatfield. He has had over 100 visitors in less than 24 hours and he is extremely grateful for all the brothers who have been to see him, he is very disappointed he could not see everyone. However he has had major surgery and he is heavily medicated on opioids. Please do not take any offence if you could not see him, your reward is with Allah (swt). He is receiving radiotherapy tomorrow (Friday 27th) and he will be very tired, the best option would be to call the ward (Sahara B) and check with the nursing staff if he is fit enough to see visitor. Tel : 01708 435151. JazakAllah khairan

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