الجمعة، 9 أغسطس 2019

Know what it feels like to miss a flight ✈️ ?

Know what it feels like to miss a flight ✈️ ? Imagine missing the LAST flight of the week for your holiday!
We are now in the FINAL hours of what Allah calls the BEST days of the year!
The Prophet (saw) said - “There are no days in which righteous deeds are MORE BELOVED to ALLAH than these ten days.”
People would jump at the opportunity of investing in something that makes you 🤑$$$£££🤑 every month BUT what about giving the small coins in your pocket every month to get the REWARD of people accepting Islam around the 🌍 ?
How would you feel knowing a part of your salary took Islam to the Amazon rainforest! SubhanAllah
Support the Dawah => go.iera.org
Imagine sharing in the reward of Shahadah’s in these places InshaAllah!
🛡Masai Tribe in Tanzania!
🌳 Amazon forest in Peru!
🌊 Islands of the Philippines!
Villages of Malawi and more!
Start now => go.iera.org
4,442 accepted Islam with us in the last 12 months alone, imagine getting the REWARD of just one of those people and SHARING in every single good deed they do!
Don’t wait till these 10 blessed days are over! => go.iera.org

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