الأحد، 31 يناير 2021

If anyone ever asks you what would Eshoa (Jesus) pbuh do?


If anyone ever asks you what would Eshoa (Jesus) pbuh do?
Remind him that flipping over tables and chasing people with a whip is within the realm possibilities.
‘Eshoa (Jesus) made a whip out of cords, and chased them all out of the temple courts, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables.’_John 2:15
‘Then Eshoa (Jesus) went into the Temple, threw out everyone who was selling and buying in the Temple, and overturned the money-changers' tables and the chairs of those who sold doves.’_Mathhew 21:12
This actually isn't taught and how they try to portray him differently, but things are indeed different when you read for yourself! The son of Mary (pbuh) wasn’t a coward or afraid to act when he had to implement The Creator’s commands.
Jonathan Brown : ‘Probably, that he was the best person in every situation. To me this is very inspirational. A lot of times the religious role models we have in America are always a certain way - for example Jesus is always kind and forgiving (how he is often portrayed). But sometimes you can't be forgiving. You shouldn't be; sometimes you have to soft and sweet and sometimes you have to be direct and harsh; sometimes you have to be patient and at other times you have to act quickly. There isn't always one rule that you can apply to your life that will tell you how to act. You have to be able to read the situation and act in the best way. The Prophet knew how to do that; that is inspirational. I think that is the most important thing.’
__► Eshoa (Jesus) Angry, Hating & Fighting Usury 'Riba'
__► '' That's why Jesus called them thieves ''
but there came after them generations who neglected prayer and followed their (own) desires / lusts / passions (fornication - adultery - alcohol - intoxicants, Usury 'Riba' (interest), etc...); So they will soon face (the outcome of their) deviation / evil
'' Except those who repent, believe and do good / righteous deeds, so those will enter Paradise and will not be wronged at all / never being denied any reward.'' _Qur'an 19 (Maryam/Mary): 59- 60
► Prophet Eshoa (Jesus) Against Fornication - Adultery: '' DO NOT Commit fornication - adultery .. Wicked / Evil & Adulterous generation .. Away from me you evildoers ''
ربما تحتوي الصورة على: ‏‏‏شخص أو أكثر‏ و‏أشخاص يجلسون‏‏‏

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