السبت، 30 يناير 2021

Comprehensive Prophetic Advice


Comprehensive Prophetic Advice
A man came to the Prophet ﷺ and asked, "Can you give me some short and concise advice?"
He ﷺ replied, "When you stand up to pray, then pray as if you are about to depart from this world. And never say anything that you will have to apologize for tomorrow. And stop desiring what is in other people's possessions" [Reported by Aḥmad in his Musnad].
In this succinct and beautiful hadith, we are told three amazing pieces of advice.
Firstly, to pray with a spiritual awareness. Quality over quantity. Be conscious of who you're praying to, and humble your spirit before you humble your head.
Secondly, monitor your manners. Control your speech. Temper your anger. Never do or say something that you yourself will regret.
Lastly, be content with what you have, and eliminate greed from your heart. Don't be obsessed about other people's possessions. That will ensure you live a more peaceful life.
Three separate areas of advice, yet when put together form the perfect synthesis of this amazing faith.
Religion. Manners. Self-growth.
May Allah guide us to perfection in all of these areas!

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