The pregnancy of Prophet Muhammad’s mother and the death ofhis father Question:
In the movie (Innocence of Muslims) They claim that ProphetMohamed's (PBUH) father died long ago before his mother was pregnant? So how did she give birth to him? Thanks for your efforts. Answer:
For us to answer this question, we need to go back to the genealogical historyof Prophet Muhammad, so we can have a deep understanding of his noble lineage.Prophet Muhammad is a direct descendant of Prophet Ishmael. The Prophet’s fullname is Muhammad ibn ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Abd al Muttalib ibn Hashim ibn ‘Abd Manafibn Qusay ibn Kelab ibn Murrah ibn Ka’b ibn Lu’ay ibn Ghalib ibn Fehr ibn Malikibn al Nadr ibn Kenanah ibn Khuzaymah ibn Mudrikah ibn Elyas ibn Mudar ibnNezar ibn Ma’d ibn ‘Adnan. The full name of the prophet’s mother is Amenah bintWab ibn ‘Abd Manaf ibn Zuhrah ibn Kelab ibn Murrah ibn Ka’b ibn Kelab.
There is no argument among scholars that ‘Adnan is one of the children ofProphet Ishmael son of Prophet Abraham, but scholars vary in their opinion whenit comes to the number of people between ‘Adnan and Ishmael. Historians agreedthat the Prophet’s family had the highest lineage and the noblest of charactersamong the tribes in Arabia.
The Prophet’s father, ‘Abdullah, had an epithet which is al zabih or theslaughtered one. The origin of this epithet is that when his father, ‘AbdulMutalib, was asked in a vision to dig the well of zamzam, he had no children atthat time except one named “al Harith”, so he vowed that if his childrenreached ten, he would slaughter one of them in the Ka’bah as an oblation. So,when the number of his children reached ten, ‘Abdul Mutalib, gathered hischildren and told them about his vow. They all complied to the wish of theirfather and decided to honor his vow. He asked them to write their names ondarts for a toss and whoever’s name is chosen will be slaughtered to fulfillthe vow. The chosen dart belonged to ‘Abdullah, the Prophet’s father,and he was the youngest of ‘Abdel Mutalib’s son and the dearest to his heart.The chieftains of the tribe of Quraysh in Makkah refused such vow and wereafraid that this might be a customary practice where people kill their childrenin a fulfillment of vows. They instead asked him to offer a sacrifice inexchange for his son’s life. So, the father of ‘Abdullah offered 100 camels inexchange for his son’s life.
For this reason Prophet Muhammad used to say that I am the son of the twoslaughtered men. He means that his father, ‘Abdullah and his grandfatherIshmael, as they were both about to be slaughtered and sacrifices were offered inexchange for their lives.
Historians have agreed that ‘Abdullah was the best-looking man that was everseen in Arabia and he enjoyed a fine character and elegant manners. He was oncepassing by a gathering of women and one of them said “who would marry this manand is granted the light between his eyes which I see clearly”. Later, ‘Abdul Mutalib took his son ‘Abdullah and went to Wahbibn ‘Abd Manaf ibn Zuhra who was the Chieftain of Bani Zuhra tribe and thehighest in lineage and honor. Wahb agreed to marry off his noble daughter,Amenah who was the most honorable in lineage and had the prestigious positionamong the tribe of Quraysh. She married the honorable ‘Abdullah ibn ‘AbdulMutalib.
After the consummation of the marriage, lady Amenah got pregnant and shecarried in her womb the blessed Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Shenarrated that her pregnancy was a light one and she didn’t feel the heavyburden of pregnancy that women usually feel.
Regarding the death date of the father of Prophet Muhammad, the historian IbnIshaq narrated that ‘Abdullah died during the pregnancy of lady Amenah and thisincident is confirmed by other historians like al Waqidi, Ibn Sa’d and alBalazhuri and was later asserted by al Zahabi.
The famous and most authenticated opinion is that ‘Abdullah died in the secondmonth of the pregnancy of lady Amenah with the Prophet and this was confirmedby Ibn Katheer. Other less authenticated versions narrated that ‘Abdullahpassed away during the Prophet’s infant years and other versions suggested thatthe Prophet was two months old when his father died and others said 28 monthsor 9 months.
The story of the death of ‘Abdullah occurred when he went out to the Levantarea to reach Ghaza in a commercial trip with his tribe, Quraysh. When theyfinished their business in Ghaza and were heading back to Makkah, they passedby Medinah on their way back and Abdullah was getting sick at that time,so he stayed behind with his maternal uncle's Bani ‘Adeyy ibn al Najjar. His father, ‘Abd al Muttalib send his eldest son, al Harith,to go to the Madinah and seek the news of ‘Abdullah and by the time he wentthere he found that ‘Abdullah died and was buried in Dar al Nabegha so he wentback to his father and delivered the aching news of ‘Abdullah’s death. Hisfather and his brothers were deeply grieved by the death of ‘Abdullah who diedwhen he was 25 years old.
The historian al Waqidi said that ‘Abdullah did not marry any other womenexcept Amenah and Amenah did not marry any other man except ‘Abdullah. WhenLady Amenah heard the sad news about her husband’s death, she grieved andchanted a heartfelt eulogy for her beloved deceased husband. Allah knows Best.
Prepared by Mohamad Mostafa Nassar- Australia.
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