Killing terrorism and murder in buyball
*Kill Men ,Women, Children, Infants and Animals*
Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy everything that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.’
I samuel 15:3
*Kill Sons of Sinners*
Make ready to slaughter his sons for the guilt of their fathers; Lest they rise and posses the earth, and fill the breadth of the world with tyrants. (Isaiah 14:21 NAB)
*Killing Babies*
Anyone who is captured will be run through with a sword. Their little children will be dashed to death right before their eyes. Their homes will be sacked and their wives raped by the attacking hordes. For I will stir up the Medes against Babylon, and no amount of silver or gold will buy them off. The attacking armies will shoot down the young people with arrows. They will have no mercy on helpless babies and will show no compassion for the children. (Isaiah 13:15-18 NLT)
*God Will Kill Children*
The glory of Israel will fly away like a bird, for your children will die at birth or perish in the womb or never even be conceived. Even if your children do survive to grow up, I will take them from you. It will be a terrible day when I turn away and leave you alone. I have watched Israel become as beautiful and pleasant as Tyre. But now Israel will bring out her children to be slaughtered.” O LORD, what should I request for your people? I will ask for wombs that don’t give birth and breasts that give no milk. The LORD says, “All their wickedness began at Gilgal; there I began to hate them. I will drive them from my land because of their evil actions. I will love them no more because all their leaders are rebels. The people of Israel are stricken. Their roots are dried up; they will bear no more fruit. And if they give birth, I will slaughter their beloved children.” (Hosea 9:11-16 NLT)
*Infidels and Gays Should Die*
So God let them go ahead and do whatever shameful things their hearts desired. As a result, they did vile and degrading things with each other’s bodies. Instead of believing what they knew was the truth about God, they deliberately chose to believe lies. So they worshiped the things God made but not the Creator himself, who is to be praised forever. Amen. That is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires. Even the women turned against the natural way to have sex and instead indulged in sex with each other. And the men, instead of having normal sexual relationships with women, burned with lust for each other. Men did shameful things with other men and, as a result, suffered within themselves the penalty they so richly deserved. When they refused to acknowledge God, he abandoned them to their evil minds and let them do things that should never be done. Their lives became full of every kind of wickedness, sin, greed, hate, envy, murder, fighting, deception, malicious behavior, and gossip. They are backstabbers, haters of God, insolent, proud, and boastful. They are forever inventing new ways of sinning and are disobedient to their parents. They refuse to understand, break their promises, and are heartless and unforgiving. They are fully aware of God’s death penalty for those who do these things, yet they go right ahead and do them anyway. And, worse yet, they encourage others to do them, too. (Romans 1:24-32 NLT)
*Kill Followers of Other Religions.*
1) If your own full brother, or your son or daughter, or your beloved wife, or you intimate friend, entices you secretly to serve other gods, whom you and your fathers have not known, gods of any other nations, near at hand or far away, from one end of the earth to the other: do not yield to him or listen to him, nor look with pity upon him, to spare or shield him, but kill him. Your hand shall be the first raised to slay him; the rest of the people shall join in with you. You shall stone him to death, because he sought to lead you astray from the Lord, your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, that place of slavery. And all Israel, hearing of this, shall fear and never do such evil as this in your midst. (Deuteronomy 13:7-12 NAB)
2) Suppose a man or woman among you, in one of your towns that the LORD your God is giving you, has done evil in the sight of the LORD your God and has violated the covenant by serving other gods or by worshiping the sun, the moon, or any of the forces of heaven, which I have strictly forbidden. When you hear about it, investigate the matter thoroughly. If it is true that this detestable thing has been done in Israel, then that man or woman must be taken to the gates of the town and stoned to death. (Deuteronomy 17:2-5 NLT)
*Death for Blasphemy*
One day a man who had an Israelite mother and an Egyptian father got into a fight with one of the Israelite men. During the fight, this son of an Israelite woman blasphemed the LORD’s name. So the man was brought to Moses for judgment. His mother’s name was Shelomith. She was the daughter of Dibri of the tribe of Dan. They put the man in custody until the LORD’s will in the matter should become clear. Then the LORD said to Moses, “Take the blasphemer outside the camp, and tell all those who heard him to lay their hands on his head. Then let the entire community stone him to death. Say to the people of Israel: Those who blaspheme God will suffer the consequences of their guilt and be punished. Anyone who blasphemes the LORD’s name must be stoned to death by the whole community of Israel. Any Israelite or foreigner among you who blasphemes the LORD’s name will surely die. (Leviticus 24:10-16 NLT)
*Kill False Prophets*
1) Suppose there are prophets among you, or those who have dreams about the future, and they promise you signs or miracles, and the predicted signs or miracles take place. If the prophets then say, ‘Come, let us worship the gods of foreign nations,’ do not listen to them. The LORD your God is testing you to see if you love him with all your heart and soul. Serve only the LORD your God and fear him alone. Obey his commands, listen to his voice, and cling to him. The false prophets or dreamers who try to lead you astray must be put to death, for they encourage rebellion against the LORD your God, who brought you out of slavery in the land of Egypt. Since they try to keep you from following the LORD your God, you must execute them to remove the evil from among you.
(Deuteronomy 13:1-5 NLT)
2) But any prophet who claims to give a message from another god or who falsely claims to speak for me must die.’ You may wonder, ‘How will we know whether the prophecy is from the LORD or not?’ If the prophet predicts something in the LORD’s name and it does not happen, the LORD did not give the message. That prophet has spoken on his own and need not be feared. (Deuteronomy 18:20-22 NLT)
*Murder in the Bible*
If the founding text shapes the whole religion, then Judaism and Christianity deserve the utmost condemnation as religions of savagery. [Philip Jenkins, "Dark Passages ," The Boston Globe, Mar. 8, 2009.]
The act of murder is rampant in the Bible. There are countless examples of mass murders commanded by God, including the murder of women, infants, and children.The following passages are a very small percentage of the total passages approving of murder in the Bible.
They are divided here into three parts:
1) Capital Punishment Crimes.
2) Murdering Children, and
3) Miscellaneous Murders.
This list is long, but it barely scratches the surface of all the murders approved of in the Bible.
*1) Capital Punishment Crimes:*
*Kill People Who Don’t Listen to Priests*
Anyone arrogant enough to reject the verdict of the judge or of the priest who represents the LORD your God must be put to death. Such evil must be purged from Israel. (Deuteronomy 17:12 NLT)
*Kill Witches*
You should not let a sorceress live. (Exodus 22:17 NAB)
*Kill Homosexuals*
“If a man lies with a male as with a women, both of them shall be put to death for their abominable deed; they have forfeited their lives.” (Leviticus 20:13 NAB)
*Kill Fortunetellers*
A man or a woman who acts as a medium or fortuneteller shall be put to death by stoning; they have no one but themselves to blame for their death. (Leviticus 20:27 NAB)
*Death for Hitting a Father or Mother*
Whoever strikes his father or mother shall be put to death. (Exodus 21:15 NAB)
*Death for Cursing Parents*
1) If one curses his father or mother, his lamp will go out at the coming of darkness. (Proverbs 20:20 NAB)
2) All who curse their father or mother must be put to death. They are guilty of a capital offense. (Leviticus 20:9 NLT)
*Death for Adultery*
If a man commits adultery with another man’s wife, both the man and the woman must be put to death. (Leviticus 20:10 NLT)
*Death for Fornication*
A priest’s daughter who loses her honor by committing fornication and thereby dishonors her father also, shall be burned to death. (Leviticus 21:9 NAB)
*Death to Followers of Other Religions*
Whoever sacrifices to any god, except the Lord alone, shall be doomed. (Exodus 22:19 NAB)
*Kill Nonbelievers*
They entered into a covenant to seek the Lord, the God of their fathers, with all their heart and soul; and everyone who would not seek the Lord, the God of Israel, was to be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman. (2 Chronicles 15:12-13 NAB)
But those mine enemies who would not that I should reign over them, bring them hither and SLAY them before me".
LUKE 19:27.
1. Kill homosexuals (Leviticus 20:27),
2. Death penalty for cursing parents (Proverb 20:20, Leviticus 20:9)
3. Death penalty for adultery (Leviticus 20:10)
4. Death penalty for fornication (Leviticus 20:9)
5. Kill non believers (2Chronicles 15:12-13)
6. Kill false prophets (Deuteronomy 13:1-5, Zachariah 13:3)
7. Kill the entire town if one person worships another god (Deuteronomy 13:13-19)
8. Kill women who are not Virgin on their wedding night (Deuteronomy 22:20-21)
9. Death penalty for blasphemy (Leviticus 24:10-16)
10. Infidels and gay should die (Romans 1:24-32)
11. Kill any one who approaches tabernacles (Numbers 1:48-51)
12. Kill people who work on Sabbath day (Exodus 31:12-15)
13. Kill brats (2kings 2:23-24)
14. Kill men, women and children (Ezekiel 9:5-7)
15. Slay and kill the enemies (Luke 19:27).
Prince of Peace or Prince of Chaos?
"I (Jesus) came not to send PEACE but a SWORD¡±.
MATHEW 10¡±34.
¡°I (Jesus) came to set the earth on FIRE and how I wish that it were already KINDLED. Do you suppose that I came to bring PEACE to the world? No not peace but DIVISION".
LUKE 12:49-51.
EZ 23:25, 47 God is going to slay the sons and daughters of those who were whores.
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