الأربعاء، 18 أغسطس 2021

13 Trinity Found.


13 Trinity Found. 😐
Belief in a Trinity (Three Gods) was a common belief amongst Pagans, Idolators and Gentiles (non-Jews).
💠 In order to make Christianity more appealing to the masses, Christian missionaries developed the 'Christian version' of the Trinity (Three Beings in One Person). The Trinity doctrine was 'read into' the Biblical text.
💠 Gentiles (non-Jews) converted to Christianity, as the new religion encouraged them to continue their pagan rituals but under a new 'Triune' God, who was a more powerful God than their previous gods.
Let's Introduce with Pagan Trinities
Trinity: 3 Gods
1⃣ Zeus Athena Apollo
💠 550–525 BC
The Classical Greek Olympic triad of Zeus (king of the gods), Athena (goddess of war and intelect) and Apollo (god of the sun, culture and music)
2⃣ Leto Artemis Apollo
💠520–500 BC
The Delian chief triad of Leto (mother), Artemis (daughter) and Apollo (son)
3⃣ Zeus Hera Heracles
💠 520–400 BC
The Famous Delian triad of Athena: Zeus, Hera and Heracles
4⃣ Osiris Isis Horus
💠 2400–2300 BC
In ancient Egypt there were many triads, the most famous among them that of Osiris (man), Isis (wife), and Horus (son)
5⃣ Amun Mut Khonsu
💠 2055 BC-100 AD
Egypt: Local triads like the Theban triad of Amun, Mut and Khonsu
6⃣ Ptah Sekhmet Nefertemca.
💠3000 BC
Egypt: The Memphite triad of Ptah, Sekhmet and Nefertem
7⃣ Kheper Re-Horakhty Atum
💠 2055-1759 BC
Egypt: The sun-god Ra, whose form in the morning was Kheper, at noon Re-Horakhty and in the evening Atum, and many others
8⃣ Jupiter Juno Minerva
💠 344-211 BC
The Roman Capitoline Triad of Jupiter (father), Juno (wife), and Minerva (daughter).
9⃣ Ceres Liber Pater Liberaca.
💠 494 BC
The Roman plebeian triad of Ceres, Liber Pater and Libera
🔟 Demeter Dionysus Kore
💠 1400-1200 BC
The Greek plebeian triad of Demeter, Dionysus and Kore
1⃣1⃣ Brahma Vishnu Shiva
💠 1500-300 BC
Hindu mythology: Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva (Trimurti)
1⃣2⃣ Mitra Indra Varuna
💠 2700-1800 BC
Early vedic Hinduism: Mitra, Indra, and Varuna
1⃣3⃣ Father Son Holy Spirit
💠 381 AD
Christian concept of the Trinity God, was officially accepted at the Council of Constantinople in 381 AD
Next post will be, how trinity came into Christianity 🤡⁉
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