الأحد، 26 سبتمبر 2021

The most detailed model of a human cell to date, obtained using x-ray, nuclear magnetic resonance and cryoelectron microscopy datasets.


The most detailed model of a human cell to date, obtained using x-ray, nuclear magnetic resonance and cryoelectron microscopy datasets.
The most detailed image ever of a human cell. — We have 100 trillion of these inside us.🤯
🌺The Greatness of Allah Ta'ala🌺
Everything that Allah Ta'ala has created in the great world (🪐🌌🌍 the heavens, galaxies, constellations, planets, stars, earth and everything in them) — has also created in the human body.
In the Qur'an, Allahu Ta'ala tells us:
“Indeed, all things We created with predestination.” (Surat Al-Qamar 54:49)
“And on the earth are signs for the certain [in faith]. And in yourselves. Then will you not see?” (Surat Adh-Dhāriyāt 20,21)
In order to better understand the Almighty and boundless greatness, power, strength, knowledge and precision of Allah jalla jalaluhu, let us see what He created in the so-called "smallest unit of life" in science — the human cell.
Evidence of direct creation between the verses of the Qur’an, the Sunnah and modern science
Scientists are constantly finding new types of new organisms
The miraculousness of the Almighty's saying:
And among His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the creatures He spread throughout them—and He is Able to gather them at will.
(Al Jathia)) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Noble Qur’an gives us the secrets of direct creation, draws our attention to the diversity of living things around us, and provides us with samples in biology that show miracles which we have only recently discovered.
If modern science shows that the cosmic constants are irreducible and do not accept evolution, then the Noble Qur’an affirms the matter and refers the whole matter to the direct, continuous and uninterrupted creation of living beings from the beginning of creation to the present day until God inherits the earth and those on it
We see the continuity of direct creation through:
• Scientists are constantly finding new types of new organisms
• The appearance of proto-organisms in the Cambrian explosion and before it suddenly and without small or large development
• The continuity of the expansion of the universe and the formation of the dark matter that fills the universe at every moment from nothing.
The Noble Quran confirmed this meaning through several verses:
And among His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the creatures He spread throughout them—and He is Able to gather them at will.
The present tense verb (and what is spread), benefits continuity and the future, meaning that God, Allah the Exalted, His Majesty, is still transmitting parasites, microscopic organisms, bacteria, viruses, plants, animals, worms, birds... and others.
To this day, 86 percent of Earth's species are still unknown.
The study says that millions of organisms that haven't been named as extinction are accelerating.
Even after centuries of effort, about 86 percent of Earth's species have yet to be fully described, according to a new study that predicts that our planet is home to 8.7 million species.
That means scientists have classified less than 15 percent of species now alive — and current extinction rates mean that many unknown organisms will cease to exist before they can be recorded.
Scientific studies estimate that what has not been discovered of living organisms is about 6.8 million animals, 567,000 fungi, and 90,000 plants.
While about 1.2 million species of living organisms have been identified, these species have been described and their features were determined as well.
The Almighty said: 20:53
and sends down water from the sky with which We bring forth every kind of plant.
Taha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Noble Qur’an affirmed 15 centuries ago that all mankind is unable until the Day of Judgment to create life, even in the form of a fly or mosquito.
Allah says 22:93
O people! here is a parable, so listen to it. Those whom you call upon apart from Allâh cannot create even a fly, though they may all join hands for it. And if the fly should snatch away something from them, they cannot recover it from it. Feeble indeed is the seeker (- the worshippers) and (feeble) the sought after (- the worshipped one).
and in return
On our planet there are many creatures to see, but it is difficult to count them.. The living world is full of possibilities, and offers us many types of living creatures to discover.
We know millions and we are still discovering new ones every day. Even if you find some similar species, but in fact they are different..
And some species appear so different and impressive that one wonders whether they really exist, and our question is the result that we do not believe that they can really exist.. and it is this belief that makes us to this day do not know that they really exist..
The Almighty said: (And what have you been given of knowledge is but a little) (85) [Al-Isra
The world of biology is a world without borders and can and can adapt to everything, anywhere..Biodiversity is a big word to name all the different living things but also to name all the places that allow them to live.
This huge biological diversity is found everywhere, in deserts, oceans, rivers, lakes and forests.. Diversity in the forms of living nature, in the types of living organisms, their number and contrast, and the interaction between them, starting with microorganisms that we only see through a microscope, and ending with large trees and huge whales . And when you think about it, you will find that each type has its own characteristics and each individual has its own characteristics: it is not like anything at the level of bacteria, insects, animals, even at the level of grains of sand, pebbles, boulders, rocks, and...and planets, stars and galaxies.
Rather, things stumbled in nature that no materialist theory could explain: For example, the Orchidaceae plants are a large family of plants with roses and flowers, some of them look like monkeys, some look like distorted human images, and some have an angelic face... of the twenty-five thousand species, divided into eight hundred and fifty species, most of them were found in the tropics.
Do these flowers indicate that they are mutant monkeys? Here we have nothing but to say: Glory be to the Creator.
The Almighty said:
(28:68) And your Lord creates whatsoever He wills and chooses, no choice have they (in any matter). Glorified be Allah, and exalted above all that they associate as partners (with Him).
And the Most High said: (And He creates what you do not know) and the Most High said: (His command, if He wills something, is to say to it, Be, and it is. 82)
So glory be to Him in Whose Hand is the kingdom of everything, and to Him you will be returned 83)
Scientists Find 140,000 Virus Species in The Human Gut, And Most Are Unknown
The matter is further complicated in the digestive system, which alone is home to at least 10 trillion to 1 trillion trillion microorganisms, which is two to 10 times more than the number of cells that make up the body. This group of non-pathogenic bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi makes up the intestinal flora (or intestinal flora).
It is home to tens of thousands of viruses in the gut
Most of the microbiome research over the past few years has focused on how gut bacteria affect health. But the microbiome also includes unique groups of parasites, viruses and fungi, and scientists have published the first catalogs of viral groups in the gut that included more than 33,000 groups. An international team of scientists, including scientists from the University of Queensland, have created a larger database of gut viruses, analyzing 12,000 stool samples from people from 24 countries, and identifying 45,118 types of viruses, more than 90% of which are new to science, and are responsible for building more than 450 thousand distinct proteins.
The discovery of more than 54,000 viruses in human feces that live in the human intestine
The proto-organisms appeared in the Cambrian explosion and before it suddenly and without small or large development
On this subject, the Noble Qur’an says: (He said, “20:50
(Firon) said: And who is your Lord, O Musa?
He said: Our Lord is He Who gave to everything its creation, then guided it (to its goal).
This is what we see clearly in the stratigraphic ladder where direct creation without development
The stratigraphic data shows what the Noble Qur’an states that Allah created everything and it is not possible by chance to create a single protein molecule.. The main types appeared suddenly in integrated and harmonious forms with the living environments in the Cambrian era and others with an independent creation and not linked to the development of a previous creation. God is a direct creation of living creatures, within the framework of successive life cycles in the history of the earth without any evolutionary link between them.
The Australian scientist Michael Dunton says in his famous book ÉVOLUTION une théorie en crise cil bactérien The whip of movement in bacteria is one of the oldest means of movement in the earth used by bacteria and appeared with the beginning of life and has not developed to this day.
• There is no gradation in the emergence of creation that appears suddenly and for various organisms after strategic gaps devoid of living organisms.
In accordance with the Almighty’s saying: "Allah is the Creator of all things” and the Almighty’s saying: “He said, ‘Who is your Lord, Moses?’ He said, ‘Our Lord is He who gave everything its creation, then guided it (to its goal)” (Surat Taha, verse: 50)…
And the Almighty’s saying: “We said: carry in it from every two pairs) i.e. a male and a female; For the survival of the origin of the offspring after the Flood...
If evolution was a law of creation, he would have ordered otherwise.
In contrast to this confusion and confusion, the Noble Qur’an preceded modern sciences in dealing with this issue on several levels:
●First: The Noble Qur’an, in harmony with modern science, defines the “walking through the earth” approach as a condition for research on the subject
Second: The consistency of the Qur’anic vision of the emergence of life with scientific interpretation
●Third: The Noble Qur’an linked the issue of creation to concepts and limits that humanity could not transcend
●The first concept: Allah created living organisms directly without evolution
●The second concept: creating it within the framework of life cycles
The third concept: Each type has its own genetic programme, which does not evolve or change
●The fourth concept: Allah created resemblance, not identicalness in creation, to indicate the similarity in creation to the One Creator, Glory be to Him, and the creation of resemblance in vital diversity and creativity that the thought of evolutionists cannot comprehend
●The Fifth Concept: The Noble Qur’an affirmed 15 centuries ago that all of humanity is incapable until the Day of Judgment to create life, even in the form of a fly or mosquito.
●The sixth concept: The Holy Qur’an states that God created tight balance, integration and cooperation, not a struggle for survival
●The seventh concept: Allah Almighty created the universe and prepared it to serve us during 15 billion years and prepared the earth with all its raw materials and repaired it for about 5 billion years.
The examples of irreducible cosmic constants are endless.
It is an integrated system, that combines phenomena that cannot assemble automatically over time with a specific system and planning, to form other highly complex molecules, and the mathematical calculations of chance - which evolutionists do not want to do - show that the possibility of these systems appearing at the same time is impossible. In it, it refutes chance, and this precise design is found in every kind of living creature, and it shows the miraculousness in the Almighty’s saying: “Our Lord, who gave everything its creation and then guided it.” Everything: from a living being and others, distinguished by the Almighty God with qualities that are impossible to meet by chance. The blind spot, showing the greatness of our Creator, the Mighty and Sublime, and his ability to create
Diversity models with the peculiarities of each organism
Otter (river dog or river fox), (Scientific name: Enhydra lutris).
The female otter takes care of her young for eight months and keeps them on her chest while they float, and teaches them to swim and fish.
When she dives to catch food, she ties her young with seaweed to ensure their safety from the flood far from her..
Today's model: the nervous system, which works through infinite connections of bundles of nerve fibers, and the way they communicate at the level of synapses can not assemble automatically, except with planning and creativity,
The image shows a diagram of how nerve signals are transmitted
A picture of the neural synapse, and it represents the transmission of the signal between the two nerve cells (neurotransmitters) to transmit alerts and commands!
A single neuron has many of these extensions, and the number varies according to the cell.
Ladybug... which is called the Undertaker
When you find a dead animal
Even if it was bigger than a dead mouse
It starts working right away
The earth is dug directly under it until it falls into the pit
The irt falls on him, and the female beetle lays her eggs in this modern grave, so that when her larvae hatch, she finds her food from the available meat.
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