الخميس، 11 أغسطس 2022

Science vs Christianity.


Science vs Christianity.
Science - earth is round.
Christianity - earth is flat.
Science - earth is moving
Christianity - Earth is fixed and it's never move.
Science - sun and moon running in orbit.
Christianity - we don't know about this.
Science - Noah worldwide flood never happened
Christianity - Noah worldwide flood happened.
Science - the age of universe 13.8 billion years old.
Christianity - the age of universe 6 thousands years.
This is some scientific miracles of Jesus he told his followers in Bible, Hallelujah praise to EUROPEAN Jesus.😂
Below are pictures of what Flat Earth Believers view the Solar System as existing as.
I have even heard Muslims who say thhe also believe that the Earth is flat; but I have never seen evidence to support this theory from Quran or Sunnah.
Flat Earthers also believe that the Moon and Sun are the Same size: about 100km wide.
For Evidence earth is round
For all scientific errors in buyballs
See here
Bible Says: The flat Earth is established and can never move?! The Sun hurries back to where it rises?!
Point 2
Does thd globe or heavens have pillars??
Point 3
Bible says Earth is flat has has edges
Point 4
Scientific Comparison: Quran vs Bible
Post - Point: 4
Is Universe finite or infinite bible says both😒🙄🤔
Rainbow 🌈 scientific lie in Bible
●Scientific Comparison between Quran and Bible
●Response to the claim by non Muslims that Quran copies Bible
Rain bow
Point 8
Moon light bible says moon has its light
Point 9
Insects have only 4 legs
Hare chews cud/ ruminates food
Camel and hare have no split foot😁😂🤣
Point 10
Bible: Earth is immobile cannot move
Point 13
Is Noah's flood universal as in Sahih babble🤣😶😃🤯🤯🤯🤯😲🌪🦧😵
Point 17
Moses and the Pharaoh of exodus who drowned
Point 19
If man married his brother's wife it's impure and the couple will be childless 😳
Point 20 man will not know path of wind or embryo formation in the mother's womb
Post 21
Bible says use blood of dead birds to remove plague
Post 23 Islam corrects Bible on embryology
By Ridouan Soumaa and friends
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