الأحد، 4 سبتمبر 2022

Some Core Values of Islam in Buddhism.


Some Core Values of Islam in Buddhism.
*The Buddhist teaching of "Pancha Seela - These are 5 principles of Buddha. Gautam Buddha explicitly preached that people should avoid the following evils:
1.Killing innocent beings ( D
o not take life)
2.Stealing (Do not take what is not given)
3.Lying (Do not distort facts)
4.Sexual misconduct (Refrain from misuse of the senses)
5.Intoxication (Refrain from self-intoxication through alcohol or drugs)
*Gautam Buddha also commanded his people not to worship statues, trees or monuments.
*Look at the picture:
Gautam Buddha's sleeping position is similar to the one recommended by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

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