On cupping / Hijama
Why some famous figures like Phelps the world Champ in swimming and Khabib Nurmagomedov the world Champ in Lightweight do Hijama?
In Arabic language, this word comes from "hajm" meaning size or amount. I.e: cupping is good for reducing extra amounts of sludges and residue of toxic and garbage cells remaining in blood circulation. Thus, cupping is the eradication of extra corrupted blood in our body's blood circulation so as to make it normal ----> "minimum value or status"
1400 years ago Prophet Mohamed (peace be upon him) him says about hijama /cupping
"Indeed the best of remedies you have is hijama, and if there was something excellent to be used as a remedy then it is hijama."
●Sahih Albani volume 3 N 1053
Sheikh Abd Al Bassit Assayed member of the Mekkan committee of the Scientific Miracles in Islam
German scientists have discovered that at the back of our neck passes 72 veins
Now this correlates exactly with the Prophetic spots of cupping and the number 72 too
Though the following hadeeth is weak but science reinforces it
"Hijama is a cure to seventy two diseases"
●Ref: Daef El Jamia 3762
Also Whether it is of Islamic or Chinese origins
Allah revealed it to Prophet Muhammad and Prophet peace be upon him but in a scientific and miraculous way
Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said it's the best remedy.
And it is one of the Sunnah scientific miracles of course
Many well known news channels and newspapers wrote:
"In 2016, Olympics fans go dotty for mysterious marks on athletes’ bodies.
pictures below is N1 world champion in swimming with cuppying spots
Also Khabib Nurmagomedov doing it
other Olympians have gone viral. What are these mysterious circles?
Most Chinese people watching the men's 4x100 freestyle relay final on Sunday would have recognized the marks on Phelps' body immediately."
●Source: CCTV news reports and the Guardian
----->Among its benefits in brief:
▪︎Cure migraines
* Cure sciatica for sure
* Balances Blood pressure
* Headache is reduced
* Improve blood flow
* Improve immunity by increasing lymphatic output
* Reduce inflammation
* Calm the nervous system
* Stretch muscles and connective tissue
* Loosen restrictions and adhesions in the tissue
* Provide relaxation
* Optimize athletic performance
* Improve overall wellbeing
Side note: Hijama takes out only spoilt rotten blood causing us all sorts pains and diseases or illnesses
-Don't go to no matter who for it.
-Rather head towards specialists LEST blood infections would happen Allah forbid!
Among the things we must know in cupping are
The one who does Hijama:
MUSTN'T touch any other things including his cellophone. Rather, He should put headphones on.. with bluetooth connection.
There are many weak hadeeths and rumours on Hijama like
Don't do it on Wednesday
Don't eat such and such food after it
All these are wrong
All you have to bear in mind is just keep away from washing that day but postpone at least 24 hours because water would cause a problem
2. CCTV news on cupping
3. The Guardian https://www.google.com/.../cupping-therapy-interest...
(Sunnat Points on Body are many.. but there is focus on some points)
HADITH About Sunnah Points
In Ghazwah Khayber while our beloved Prophet Muhammad s.a.w was poisoned, he took Hijamah at 3 points on the KAHIL, we feel that a cup was applied behind the heart (at the left of KAHIL), & the third was either a little bit lower to this point OR on the right side of KAHIL, Allah Knows the best..”
Narrated by Ibn Majah, on the authority of Ali Radi Allaho Anh that angel JIBREEL advised Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam for Hijamah at Akhda’ain (posterior jugulars) and KAHIL (upper back ~ between the shoulders).
Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam took Hijamah on the center of his head (Yafookh) and he was in Ehraam while his journey to Makkah. (Name of the place where they stopped is mentioned as Lahyi Jamal)
Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam used Hijamah (wet cupping) on his hip because of a debilitation he suffered from.
Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho Alaihe Wasallam took Hijamah on the top of his foot due to the pain in that area.
( Narrated by Abu Dawood.)
Wet Cupping (Hijama) is one of the remedies from the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam). Not only did he have hijama performed on himself, but he also recommended it as a beneficial treatment for various ailments.
Note that even though the various forms and methods of Cupping are beneficial, only wet cupping (hijama) is a remedy from the sunnah.
Below are some narrations from the sunnah of the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) that relate to Hijama therapy:
Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: I did not pass by an assembly of Angels on the night that I was taken on the night journey (lailatul israa), except that all of them said to me: Oh Muhammad, upon you is Cupping (You should have cupping performed). (Sunan ibn Majah 3477)
Umm Salamah (wife of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam) sought permission from the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) to have Cupping performed on her. So the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) ordered Abu Taibah to cup her. He said: I assumed that he was her brother from breast feeding or he was a boy under the age of puberty.
(Sunan ibn Majah 3480)
when he returned to Muqanna’ he said: I will not leave until to treat yourself with Cupping. For indeed I heard the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) saying: Indeed there is a cure in it (in Cupping).
(Sahih Muslim 2205)
Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: there is a cure in three things: in the slash of the cupper or drinking honey or cauterization with fire, and I forbid my nation from cauterisation. (Sahih Al-Bukhari 5681)
Benefits of Hijama mentioned in Islam:
Many benefits of Hijama Therapy are mentioned in the Sunnah of Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam).
Not only did the Prophet use Hijama Therapy for specific ailments, he also promoted it for overall health and as a preventative measure.
Below are some narrations of the Prophets (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) mentioning the benefits of using Hijama Therapy:
Narrated Ibn Abbas: That the Messenger of Allahs was treated with Cupping on his head while he was in ihram due to a migraine that he had. (Sahih Al-Bukhari 5701)
Prophet (sallahu alaihi wasallam) used to get treated with cupping on the two jugular veins and the upper part of the back. He used to get treated with cupping on the 17th and 19th and the 21st. (Jami’ at-Tirmidhi 2051)
Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) fell off from his horse onto a trunk (of a tree), so his foot became dislocated. Waki’ said: meaning that the Prophet was treated with Cupping on it because of a contusion. (Sunan ibn Majah 3485)
Whoever wants to be treated with Cupping let him search for the 17th or the 19th or the 21st. And do not let your blood become hyperaemic (becomes excessive/boil/rage) so that it kills you.
(Sunan ibn Majah 3486)
Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) was treated with Cupping on his hip because of a sprain/bruise he suffered from. (Sunan Abu Dawud 3863)
There was no one who complained to the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) of a headache except he would say to him: Get treated with Cupping. And neither a pain in the legs except he would say: dye them (with Henna). (Sunan Abu Dawud 3858)
when he returned to Muqanna’ he said: I will not leave until to treat yourself with Cupping. For indeed I heard the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) saying: Indeed there is a cure in it (in Cupping). (Sahih Muslim 2205)
Therapists wage:
The following is an excerpt taken from a book entitled: Cupping, a practice of the Prophet & a miraculous way of treatment' Compiled by Shihab al-Badry Yasin:
'The Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) always paid the cupper his wage and that it is lawful.
The majority of scholars agree with that. Cupping for money might spread the practice between people.
'Ikrimah reported that Ibn 'Abbas said: "The Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) was cupped and he gave the cupper his wage. If he knew it was undesirable, he would not have given it." It was reported from 'Awn bin Abu Hanifah on the authority of his father that he bought a cupper slave and
عليكم بالحجامة في جوزة القَمَحْدُوَة، فإنها دواء من اثنتين وسبعين داء وخمسة أدواء،من الجنون،والجذام،والبرص،ووجع الضرس )).
الحديث:ضعيف.انظر: ضعيف الجامع: (رقم3762)
There are total 9 Sunnah Points of the body where Prophet Muhammad Sallallaho AlaiheWasallam were performed hijamah or cupping therapy.
These are the sunnah points of Hijama or Cupping Therapy
The first of hijama sunnah points is located on top of the head.
This point, known as UMMU MUGHITS or
‘Ala Ro’si, is the ‘mother of diseases.’
Many diseases originated from this point. Because of this, hijama done on this point will cure lots of diseases.
For instance, Headache, Vertigo, Migraine, Sinusitis, Glaucoma, Acne and Mental Disorders.
Hijama on this point is also known to IMPROVE MEMORY and INTELLIGENCE as well.
The second and third points are on the back of the neck, just below the hairline.
This point is known as
Hijama in these points will cure Stiff Neck, Stiff Jaw, Headache, Toothache, Sore Throat and Swollen face.
The fourth, fifth and sixth points are located on the shoulder. The fourth point is known as AL KAHIL. This point is located at the lowest level of the neck. Hijama on this point will cure a Headache, Flu, COUGH, ASTHMA, HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE, and BRONCHITIS.
The fifth and sixth points, known as AL KATIFAIN, are located on the right and left the side of the fourth point.
Hijama on these points will cure poisoning, stroke, pain on the shoulder as well as improving blood circulation to the head and to the hands.
The seventh and the eighth points,
known as Al WARIK, are located on the right and left the side of the waist, on the same line with the navel. Hijama on these two points will cure irregular period, difficulty in urination, digestion issues, kidney issues and improving blood circulation in the lower parts of the body.
The ninth points, known as DZOHRIL QADAM,
are located on the left and right calves.
Hijama on these points will cureurinary tract disease, pain in the legs and improve blood circulation in the legs.
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