السبت، 11 نوفمبر 2023

Matthew makes Jesus a circus star


Matthew makes Jesus a circus star
God rides a donkey!!!!??? Why no jets 😕
Stop letting juice mock ur god in such a humiliating way!!!
Subhana Allah
it is said in the bible that god jesus rode a donkey four times
so does god needs a donkey to ride on?
God created birds that fly
how come he can't create wings for himself to travel with
let alone be able to forgive sins
Stop ascribing to God what's not befitting Him
ذكر في الإنجيل أن الإله عيسى ركب الحمار أربع مرات
إله يحتاج لحمار ليسافر به فكيف أن نحتاج إليه نحن ليغفر ذنوبنا لايستطيع حتى أن يصنع أجنحة لنفسه ليطير بها للسفر كيف يستطيع أن يغفر لي ولك
انتهو عن وصف الإله بما لايليق به
Dear Christians how dare you worship a born god "Jesus" in a manger of animals
🐃🐐🐎 🙄😷😲😱
Luke : 2 1-20
"And they went with haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby lying in a manger"
In Islam Jesus is servant of God not god and born near palm tree not manger
Islam reveres Aissa to be one of the most 5 best messengers ever prophets ever in Islam
How was Jesus of the New Testament able to sit on two animals simultaneously riding them? Where did he learn such a circus act? Something like this would have been taught from a young age. would it be possible when he would go to the temple at a young age to learn (Luke 2:52),the rabbis would teach him how to ride two animals at once like at the circus? can you imagine the looks on the face of children when he entered the village. What a show !
They brought the donkey and the colt and put on them their cloaks, and he sat on them.(Matthew 21:7)
✝️inty is a joke

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