الأربعاء، 20 ديسمبر 2023



👉Christmas defines as the annual festival of the Christian church commemorating the birth of Jesus: celebrated on December 25 It goes on to explain that the Christmas season extends from the December 24th to January 6th.
👉In the early years, in the first two centuries, during the establishment of Christianity, the birth of Jesus was not celebrated until the fourth century (300CE) that church leadership decided to make the birth of Jesus a holiday, or cause for celebration!
👉The actual birthdate of Jesus is unknown!!..
Many people have asserted that it was probably in March or early spring because the Bible tells us that when Jesus was born the shepherds were watching their flocks by night. "And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night."
(Luke2: 😎
Shepherds are certainly not abiding in the fields with their sheep during the long cold winters.
👉However, there is no real definitive evidence for this and Jesus’ date of birth is not mentioned anywhere in the Bible, nor is the celebration of birthdays in general. !!
👉Early Christian traveler and chronologist 'Sextus Julius Africanis' was the first person to identify December 25th as the date of Jesus’ birth and it became uniformly accepted.
👉December 25th was also the most popular celebration in the Roman, and thus pagan, world was Saturnalia, the festival honoring the Roman god of agriculture Saturn!!
December 25th became the date of the celebration known as solis invicti nati (day of the birth of the unconquered sun).!!

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