السبت، 2 ديسمبر 2023

The woman whom Allah heard above the seven heavens


Quran The Final Testament

The woman whom Allah heard above the seven heavens
`Umar (r.a) came out of the masjid accompanied by al-Jarood al-`Abdi and there was a woman who had come out into the street. `Umar ibn al-Khattab (r.a) greeted her with salaam and she returned his greeting and said, “Oh `Umar, I remember you when you were called `Umayr in the market of `Ukhadh, chasing other boys with your stick . Not long after that you were called `Umar and not long after that you were called Ameerul Mu`mineen.(so) Fear Allah with regard to the people and remember that whoever fears the warning (of the day of judgement), soon hardship will be made easy for him and whoever fears death should worry about missing out (on doing righteouss deeds). “ Al-Jarood said : “You are being too harsh on the Ameerul Mu`mineen, Oh woman !” . `Umar said :” Let her be. Don’t you know who this is? This is khawlah bint Tha`labah, whose words Allah heard from above the seven heavens , so `Umar is more obliged to listen to her”
[Mahd as-Sawaab, 3/777. Da`eef due to the inqitaa between Qatadah and `Umar. But the verse did reveal regarding Khawlah r.a ]
According to another report he said: “ By Allah even if she stood and spoke until night came I would not leave her except to go to pray and then I would come back to her”
[ Ad-Daarimi, ar-Radd `ala al-Jahmiyyah, page 45]
And according to another report he said : “ This is khawlah concerning whom Allah revealed the words : Indeed Allah has heard the statement of her (Khawlah bint Tha`labah) that disputes with you (O Muhammed) concerning her husband (Aws ibn as-Saamit) {Qur`aan 58:1}”
[Al `Alw li`l-Aliy al-Ghaffaar by adh-Dhahabi, page 63]
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