السبت، 25 مايو 2024

Today's bible is the the thing with confuses #christians the most. E.G. #BiBLE itself obscures it >>


Today's bible is the the thing with confuses #christians the most. E.G. #BiBLE itself obscures it >>
1-Who approached #Jesus? (#Matthew 8:5-7) The #Centurion approached Jesus, beseeching help for a sick servant. (#Luke 7:3 & 7:6-7) The Centurion did not approach Jesus. He sent friends and elders of the Jews.
2-Just what did Jesus instruct them to take? (Matthew 10:10) Jesus instructed them not to take a staff, not to wear sandals. (Mark 6:8-9) Jesus instructed his disciples to wear sandals and take a staff on their journey
3-When did the fig tree hear of its #doom? (Matthew 21:17-19) Jesus cursed the #fig #tree after purging the temple. (#Mark 11:14-15 & 20) He cursed it before the purging.
4-Where did the devil take Jesus first? (Matthew 4:5-8) The Devil took Jesus first to the parapet of the temple, then to a high place to view all the Kingdoms of the world. (Luke 4:5-9) The Devil took Jesus first to a high place to view the kingdoms, then to the parapet of the temple.
and a lot more at,,,, Contradictions In The New Testament That Have No Good Answer
The bible has thus been corrupted by human additions. Thats why #GOD sent the FINAL #TESTAMENT = THE #QURAN.
Quran gives a lot more detail. In #Islam, Jesus (Isa; Arabic: #عيسى ʿĪsā) is considered to be a #Messenger of God and the Masih (Messiah) who was sent to guide the Children of Israel (banī isrā'īl) with a new scripture, the Injīl or Gospel. The belief in Jesus (and all other messengers of God) is required in Islam, and a requirement of being a Muslim. The Quran mentions Jesus twenty-five times, more often, by name, than Muhammad.
It states that Jesus was born to #Mary (Arabic: Maryam) as the result of virginal conception, a miraculous event which occurred by the decree of God (Arabic: Allah). To aid in his ministry to the Jewish people, Jesus was given the ability to perform miracles (such as healing the blind, bringing dead people back to life, etc.), all by the permission of God.Numerous titles are given to Jesus in the Quran and in Islamic literature, the most common being al-Masīḥ ("the #messiah").
#Chapter:#Verse 2:87; 116; 136; 253; 3:42-59; 84; 4:157; 163; 171-172; 5:46; 78; 110-118; 6:85; 101; 10:68; 19:34-36; 33:7; 42:13; 43:57-64; 81; 57:27; 61:6; 14;
#Muhammad(#pbuh) when describing Jesus during Jesus' second coming) described physically
-A well-built man of medium/moderate/average height and stature with a broad chest.
-Straight, lank, slightly curly, long hair that fell between his shoulders.
-A moderate, fair complexion of red or finest brown.
Read Matthew 21:11 Jesus is a prophet not a God.
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