الجمعة، 11 أكتوبر 2024

"Say no to Racism"Everyone is equal in the sight of Allah


"Say no to Racism"Everyone is equal in the sight of Allah
Racism is one of the worst forms of discrimination in our world today, and should not condoned. Sadly, it is still very common and continues to be a problem.
In Islam, racism is not allowed,was applied more than 1400 years ago in Islam
Everyone is equal in the sight of Allah (Swt) and the Quran signifies this.
The Quran states:
“O mankind, We have created you all from a single (pair of a) male and female and made you nations and tribes so that you get to know one another; verily, the noblest of you in the sight of God is the one who is most mindful of Him. God is All-Knowing, All-Aware.” (Quran: 49:13)
O mankind, there is no superiority for an Arab man/woman over a non-Arab man/woman, or for a non-Arab man/woman over an Arab man/woman, or for white man/woman over a black man/woman, or for a black man/woman over a white man/woman. All of you are descended from Adam and Adam has been created from dust of the ground.”(Prophet Muhammad (PBUH))
When one looks at Muslim pilgrims in the Holy City of Makkah as an example, one can see the unity of people of all Faiths and backgrounds standing shoulder to shoulder, praying alongside each other despite the differences.
In Islam and in the presence of the Almighty, our looks and our gender do not matter, but what is inside us that counts.
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